,, Suggested don at a meeting Thursday after- Mon decided to tnvcstlxate the whim, of a second point: zen- mtlng nation fur Rr'lfrnw, The proposed station would be. It the ï¬rst chutn- of the Bonne- chete river near CasJufurrt A sur- vey will determine the sullabillly of the river [or unmhm‘ statlvm. The tnwn .mw genrralcs .1 little 195 than hill its ointment paw-9r needs‘ T316 rcmuindc: x: purehazml (mm the Ontario Hydro ISM-cm: Commission. 'l'nc town gnaw apes]: M 2.30) kilowatt: .11.} buys I ‘ >243?) lemsts {rum HEPC u no Th;- pmp «1 plant Mrs. Ger-net Johnston is | sullen: in Victoria hospltal, Ran- flew. Weekend visitors Wllh Mr. and Ila. George Humphriel were Mr, and Mrs Gum: Humphries and mm at Ottawa, Mr, and Mr: 1". E. flumphrles. Mr. and Mn. A. Yum and Kenneth M Imquo‘ . 1mm Tuner of Iroquois spent the weekend with hi! mother, Mrs. Nettle Toner. Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Dick and children of Buckingham, Qua, "1% Ned wtth Mr, and M11 Camuhn’l Humphries Monday. Ward but been rcccrvcd here by Mrs. J. Starla that Barry Smith D! Cutlelurd. Yorkshire, lelalld, will met: this coming yen: ll Um Prince Philip Schnol, 51. Cath- urinal Mrs. Kelth Stewart of anlrui leJ teach this yen in the Castle- iord School (55 Na. 3 Horton: with an approximate enrolment of 32 Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rl'mulon and {unity u! Carp spent Sunday with Mr. Ind Mrs. William flunk phflcs. Ir. and Mn. Russell Farrell of 1mm Ira spending their hall-- an Inn Mr. Ind Mrs‘ Rent»- Farrell. Castleford W.|. Tweedsmuir Histow ' and Phi-Iver“ Hit“ for Hydro would provlde an additional oulpul M from 1.1m to L500 kilowatts far loclt tar-runes. and reduce Hem :cw's {dilute on purchases or power (ram llm Onlnrlu Comml» SID“, The Ry‘lf:?W c-Jmmlsslam-rs thought it was cheaper to generate its "er pawcr than to buy it from hydra. It the new aenerarlnz plant is bulll. llm sin-y: would man: greater economy, 71w ummirziozl abpwved ac- tual: tmIEIng $13,342. ‘ Early Community Histow 11 of262