Transcription of Wl-l A. Clipping found inside Card willi '1915' in ink beside clipping B. Hand wrillen message on card Aniprior, Nov, 1 7â€" (no year) Dear Mary, Some time ago, I told you I‘d send you this clipping of the WI, then I had put it away so carefully I couldn't find it, so now, I‘ll try and mail it before I mislay it again, I may be old fashioned but always had a habit of keeping write-ups of any sort so here is one if it is any use to you, I was in Glasgow W, I, at that time, so guess that‘s why I had it, Hope you are keeping stronger and able to to eat turkey with trimmings at X and New Year, Sincerely, Lucy Watt Castleford Women's Institute Tweedsmuir Histow 1913-1986 4 of 285