ELOHELLA'S ANTlQUES » Something Special Gift Shop, BumSlUer, Wu ' nstitute. Burnstown United Church and others in the villag oi BurnA stown are holding the Annual Burnstown Garage Sgle Satur- day July 20. 5:00 am. - 2:00 pm 32%] e WI. Yaw! Se 67‘ ’ u y D (C ,/[j/0nvï¬/€, flsp,“ J /“ if} Quid / Bumstown WIï¬igather August 297 . By EILEEN BR YDGES Burnsimrn ll’l PRO Burnstmvn Women 5 Institute members have experieneed and enptyed ll variety of activities in the summer of 2002 A {one poiluek supper was shared in the Brtrnstown Clinch basement With the (ihtsgmv hruneh. LllSll’lL't met-time. and prize Winners of the re :itt lllCTLtcy competition and their parents. The winners read llteiressays its tlllll'lCl' Entertainment. (irrest speak- er was Mary Himmler who explained ltei ttnrt In reflexology (a therapv mer 4tttl years old). Thu is it min» n'x rtsii e treatment centred on pressure points in lhe tect. anti aimed to improve ettetgy. cizctilitlmn untl rulnv ulmn Kite JlsD thvelt hriet‘tv mi her timL an the Corttl'tlllllllt‘l’ teum tor palliative the at lit‘nneehere Militan [it July. members t|l1\l bpnttses tittetl \Hll. ~ttiurgushtml 91th in the Ultle Irv-MI Hull ten rtmnr “llit‘ll is tliltlt‘l' the tie“ ntrttlrtgen‘ent of Christine Bidgnntl Later in the month. one group did mending at Btmneehere Manor and. on annthel occasion. ï¬ve members erunyetl a tour u r the Ptrntiae as guests ot'Shatvvllle W]. The art ct‘rug-braiding drew some members to Admaston School for a wotkshup rn that art. Others were busy prepttririU entries for the Arnprior Fai Ottawa E.\ and Rent‘rew Fazr. On 4 Saturday in lttte July. in the shady l‘ttekyurd of Floiella's Treasures In Burnstmvn. the WI shared in the village yard sale as a hint] raiser for a donation to head- quarter» lll Guelph and t'unher corn- lllllltll)‘ \Vt‘lh the August llteullllg was hum airing the xcctiie Marl: msta home of \rltirte it! i“ at Sprtngtmvn. \'lt.‘lnbt.‘l'.\ \ ll l0 make ti generous tlnlmlttiii tn the (mt ul‘lttty ol‘rll‘tlltel‘ltb to the drought stricken west. Plans were tinnie ‘tvr three L'ill'tl pJI'lICN it» he held in \\ hire Lrtlxe Hull Page 20 - I'he \It'n‘un. Rentrt-u. ()ntariu - August 2|). 10112 in September. A committee was appointed to look into moving a his» toric cairn from an isolated spot along the Madawaska banks to an area where it could be viewed by the pub- he. Louise Boueher ot‘Amprior area. a member for several years of the African Violet Socrety. demonstrated the best method to start a new plant from a leaf, how to remove unwanted suckers. the beset types and sizes of post to use. the best locations. lighting flllCl watering to produce beautiï¬tl blooming pltiltls. She showed plants. photos and much literature about African violet cultivation and referred to similar plants such as streptoearpus and glox- iiint. Due to the Rent‘reiv Ftrrrr the September meeting is ndtaneed to Aug. 29 at the home ofBetty Brartnen on Rosebrugh Rd The theme is AgilLulltlle and the Rertt‘rew Fttir dis- pltiy \tlll be plttitrted Guests are very \t‘elt‘unie