i? Lot 18 on Concession 2 â€" part - Mr. Doswell built the first house in the village on lot 18 (part of) Concession 2. Mr. Sutherland used a wheel barrow to cover the rocks with earth to make a garden. Mr. Doswell was a harness maker; also kept the post office. He sold to Mrs. Lowrie of Ramsey. After her death her daughter Jessie lived. her life time in this house. Then W. A. Leckie bought the property; later selling the house and lot to William Hutson. Lot 18 on Concession 2 Dugaid Stewart built the second house. The families living in this house were: McLean, McArthur, Jsck MoG-regor, Ronald McFayden, Dunosn MoG-regor, Archie Leckie and. Flume Crane. The present owner is Malcolm Ward. Lot 18 on Concession 2 Andrew McLachlan bought this lot from Robertson and the present owner is Archie Wallace. Lot 18 on Concession 2 - west half - Mr. Morrison, a tailor by trade, settled on Hg of 18, and Con. 2; then sold to Mr. Walsh, a cabinet maker; the next owner was Levi Bennett. Dave Forrest bought the property and demolished the old rough cast house. He sold to John F. Stewart in 19149 and he built a modern house on the lot. Lot 18 on Concession 2, Peter Morris built this cottage. Mr. Morris had. a store on the present O'Connor prayerty. John Hallidsy was the next owner. The cottage was vacant for years when John Forrest bought it. He was a blacksmith by trade; the next owner was his son Dave. The present owner is Mrs. Dove Forrest, who sold part of the lot to Kenneth McLeod. John Forrest was presenter in the church for years. Lot 18 on Concession 2 Pete)- Morris and John Halliday, store keepers, sold to William McKay. lie sold to Mr. Pause, a wagon-maker, who in turn sold to William Sterling, owner of a store on Robertson's property] the next sale was to Ronald McFayden, hotel keeper, the next owner was Roger Mcflugh; than Mr. Johnson and Mickey Welsh, who sold to John O'Connor. The present owner is Mrs. John O'Connor. Lot 18 on Concession 2 Edward LeGree built a hotel on Archie Wallace's property; then he sold. to Mr. Rough, whose daughter, Mrs. John McCallum, remained in the village. MI. Rough sold. to James Douglas, a store keeper, whose house was burned. Lot 18 on Concession 2 John Forrest sold a lot to William Yuill of Newark, New Jersey, who built a summer home; he then sold to Miss A. C. Fisher and the present owner is Mrs. James MoNee. George Rochester, a pioneer from England in 1850, purchased 300 acres of lend, and on 100 acres on the north shore of the Madswsska river he built a grist mill of stone and also a log house. He married. a Scotch girl on December 15th, 1. After building a canal and. a dam he did not have sufficient power to run the mill. In 187 he sold the grist mill to Mr. McQuarrie, who built a saw mill and installed a steam engine: but with a larger saw mill in Arnprior he found it was not profitable. He went to British Columbia in 1888, after selling the mill to Robert Robertson, who rented it. The north west corner of this lot was sold in 1588 for a new school site, the build- ing of which was completed in 1889. Croft and Denny bought the Rochester lot and house adjoining the school lot. The house, with an addition to it, served as a cheese factory for years. It was later bought by Duncan McFaydBn for a residence. In 1918 M. J. O'Brien bought the mill land; later selling it to the Ontario Hydro Company. flï¬Ã©ï¬‚fl%¢@mmï¬ QM g; 4 Warm I éï¬ï¬‚ewe/fflm 4755,