Burgoyne WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Scrapbook 3, [1988] - [1994], p. 7

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‘ 112%)" I r“ .. Port Elgin and Saugeen’s best? x The Olymplc splrlt was brought home to a packed house at the Lakeshore Racquet and Flecreatlon Centre. Frlday night. when the Port Etgln and Saupeeh Townshlp hosted "Celebratlon ea". Celebratloh 88 was created by the tedaral government In an eltort to help communltles all across Canada honour those among us who have demonstrated characterlatloa whlch are In keeolng wlth the admlrable Ideale at the Olym- plc splrlt: hard work. determlnatlon. moral character and dedlcatlon to the communlty. The program was also dealuned to help Canadlana teal more a part at the WEB thter Olymplc Gamaa, ao ably hosted by the Clty at Calgary. Only a law of us would have had the’ opportunlty to attend the Games. wlth even tewer havlnp tha opportunlty to compete tor an Olymplc medal. The Celebratton an awards panelsted ot oenltloatea and medals. wtth the model's deslpn based upon that at the oltlalal Olymplt: bronze medal. The medals recognize those among us who have con- trlbuted to the development at local amateur sport, elther as an athlete, sponsor, coach, alllclal or volunteer worker. The cenltlcates are awarded on a broader beats; to than Indlvlduals and groups who have been an Inaplratlon tn our community, who have added to the quallty or our "use and who have actlvely supported communlty actlvltlee. Gary Gurbln, MP tor Grey-Bruce, brought greetlhge lronl the Canadlah government. sayan that we. as Canadians. should reel honoured to be able to host such a prestlploua event as the Olymplc Games. He added that It was an equal Kent Lamont (let!) receives a Celebration 8! award from Grey-Bruce MP Gary Gurbin, dur- ing Friday evening's event in Port Elgin. Years of work as a volunteer in Saugeen Township and Port Elgin earned Mr. Lamont the award. By the way, we wonder how long that lovely Tory-blue rihhon remained fas- tened to the medal, honour to be able to help communltles such as Port Etpln and Saugean Townshlp recognlla the Olymplc splrlt at the oommunlty level. Dr. Gurbln gave an account at hle brlet vlslt to Calgary and the Olymplc Games at the heqlnnlho at the eecohd week at the competltlons. He sald that he was very lmpreesed wlth the "pure skatan cempetltlon, Mylng. "The lntenslty, pure emotlon and drlve ot the skaters ls somethan I wlll never toroet." He was also very Impressed wlth the tacllltles whlch were hutlt In order to host the Games. Dr. Gurbln reterred to the Olymplc Saddledome as “out at thle world". the lugs and bobsled run as “a technloal marvel". and the speed- skatlng oval as “perfect”. He added that these lacllltles wlll he used by Canadlans for many years to come. Dr. Gurbln also got caught up In the Olymplc eplrlt. a leellng whloh remlnded hlrrt at our Centennial year and Ex- po 67. He said the teellng ol enthuslaem by the city. organlzers, parllclpants and spectators woe somethlnu that had to be axoertenced. He concluded his remarks by aaylng he hoped he had brought some at that Olymplt: splrlt hack to the com- munltles he represents. Brtan Cleaver. at Port Elgln, gave an account at hls onca‘ Inva-lltettme experlance as a torch bearer tn the Olymplc Torch Relay cleaver sale that the relay started out as an ad cam- palgh tel PetroCanada. but It became much more than that as communltlas all along the torch route not caught "D In the event He said that he telt a llttle out 0' place on Frlday nluht, alongside some or the communltles‘hest athletes "After all," he sald, "I only had to run onakllometar " But, when he took hrs age tnto conslderattdn, he had to admlt that It was a major accomplishment HIS blggest thrlll durlhg hls brtel moment at glory was stopprng and lettlng people along the route touch and hold the torch It was even more 0' a Ulllll Wharl he llnally met up Wlth a large group 0! lamlty and lrlends trdrn Port Elgln "I hope I represented you well." he concluded The presentatton or Celeotahon 88 awards was done In three parts, youth and adult cenlllcates and models A total 0t 40 Cefltt dates were presented, along with elgl’lt medals. Edltor‘s Note: we had orlglnally planned to present A brlel Dutll'le on each of the winners 0' Ihe certllleates, but, ttme and space Itmttatlons are such that we lind ll lmpracv tlcal to do so Murray Trask (left). of Port Elgin was recog- nized for his countless hours or volunteer work when he received a Celebration Ell med- al’t’rom Grey-llrucc MP Gory (lurhin, Friday night. Minnr hall in the summer and bowling in the winter keep Murray 2] very busy \tll- Bur =o: ne news by Jean McConnell 1 Mrs, Steward Esplen , resolved the word at the ‘ death ol her uncle, Captatn ‘ Peter Robson. ln Owen Sound, He was ralsed and attended school at Inver- may. Mlss ary he Esplents spending the week wlth her parents. Mr. and Mrs. t steward Espten. Mr. Mrs. Jlm Fraser and Jordan at Napaan spam a tow days wlth Mr. straws. Arnold Fraser. 1 {Thaw attendan the One Ihlo Assoclatlon ot qrtlzullural Snelelles at the Ftoyal York Hotel In l Toronto Included Mrs. Erlc Leslie. Matte Guyetkovlcs, Lucy Stevens, Pattt Pawley. Mrs. Bernard Schwass. Bruce Fentoh and Mrs, t Floss McLean. Jlm Esolen‘s truck went tor a drtva on Saturday nlghtandthe O.P.P,localod lt on Monday In Tlverton. salt; ‘M'c'c’r'rnnel ls In Toronto where she has slaneda new lot: wlth l.a.M. A meellng aboul the new currlculum tor the Sunday School ls called tor Thuts~ day at a pm. the superlnterr dent, John Morrow, would llke all Interested In tunhar- Ing the studles to attend, / Houle: HUD and Maxltlw are wry happy to announce the a'rwal ol I‘Ietr llrst born. it sort Zachary Robert. wetgtunn tn at s that! 0/: mt February tlolblrdqrand «on to! Mac and Matt} Esalen, and ltrgt grann- cltlld lot Jack E Cavnll Houle Spectal tranls lrtDr Polvtn and all llte nurses Ill 08 2mm unteer. t b h d d ' ()IVIAP t 11. l . , . . . r n _ t l . r. - [nutter ma smrararrvaapartnnnntr m or r r- t m. .vrtrww‘wm. r . 4 , cu Agrrrtr ml» and Fem} wt 7 .1: t I .~‘ [:1 my) ‘7’“ V“ a”, , .3, , V I u . m u n elm; tn tr, trawl-(B. At that ttmo ler thtrt‘ls gruffflwflfi int]. {4 ‘ 6. {NW jw ' MM; , “.5, “mm, “W, , A , . Hm t. Mnmr .r tr, .ram warns/14m tantra mtg» , ~ . t l > . r n :- larr‘tt 1;: Mr m“; r. r1g,\waft1»t"/lll tnnmrr tl ltvttltJlS ., v. p a r rt r r rt'r- w ' t ' r’t rrntlmnn Sta ltltr] ll 5mm ll ll .- tn... rte» aQn tml nr 7‘... .t hill 1r ml ,‘ tan. b r! mm!” _ ‘ F lllr'll t': , yt'..t lawman“, l'tl -t» tt‘r, A tunn- rt , ,,, t-m », -t a t' rr ,Jtlltttllllllfi nrnl tun 1" '4‘ “ ’- A r, .7 ‘ I u _‘ WW .rq..m;..t WIS antl lttd‘rt‘llHl‘t ,, F , t r p 7 - t , ' '-â€" al Awards TheMmlSltl/OIAUH n~nn~nr -: tn,» tr ,-‘ A "r M ‘r‘t‘ MN MW P ‘ ’ Aqnwmw wings t0 the atttrl “.1 lll tt~l', n mt not I“. H; km N y I _‘ I“ a.» w. “rm ‘ tn r lrtntnq tnn .-2 v

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