Page 2 The President, Tonia Kingma gave her President's address. Bruce East v.1. District entertained, led by Linda Freiburger. Winners of the Tweedsmuir Competition: Christman ornament; Mrs. Rose Blasing; Poemâ€" Mrs. Verna Sewers; Conmunity History Kitâ€"Mrs. George Alderdice. Mrs. Irma Clark presented the slate of Officers. It was moved by Jean Fenton, seconded by Rose Blasing that we accept the work of the Nominating Committee. Mrs. Peggy Knapp declared all offices vacant. It was moved by June Falls, seconded by Iargaret MacInnis that Charlotte Wilson act as Secretary for the elections. Scrutineers will be Sharon Gardiner andDoreen Macintosh. Board Directors: Subâ€"Div.#15- Helen Braithwaite nominated by Irma Shortt Alternate -Mrs. Cliff Stubbing nominated Gladys Coxon Sub-Div#16â€"Jean Fenton nominated by Kate Mjelhausen Alternateâ€" Margaret Urbshott nominate by Vi Chambers Subâ€"Div.#17-Marion lowry nominated byJoan Murray Alternate- Jean Whitby nominated by Largaret Maclnnis The auditors appointed wereLouise Long and Yvonne Thom. Mrs. Peggy Knapp conducted the elections and installed the Officers. More draw winners were: Myrtle Percy, Florence Schmitt, Marion MacKinnon, Marion Lowry andSadie Pilgrim. Grey South W.I. District extended the invitation to have the 1991 Area Convention with October 3 as a tentative date. Ruth Thomas, newly elected President dealt with theQuestion Box. Bruce South W.l. District won the trophy. There were 253 registered with 13 special guests. The President adjourned the meeting. The Banquet was held at 5:30 p.m. TheHead Table guests were piped in by Piper Frank MacKenzie. Mrs. Kingma proposed the toast to Canada and the Queen after which we sang the Royal Anthem. Helen Braithwaite introduced Head Table Guests and Executive Members . reetings were brought by Mrs. Bertha Whitcroft,Clerk-Treasurer of the Village of Lucknow; Resident of the Guelph Area and President of London Area. The Scottish Country Dancers led by Bob and Isobel Shepherd entertained us with several dances. Mrs. Margaret Greig reported for the Junior W.I. She Lold us there are three Districts - Toronto, London, and Uttawa WIEJ membership over out urbanite. Mrs. Doreen MacAdam introduced the Guest Speaker, Lavonne Ballagh. Miss Ballagh first entertained with a veryhumorous monologue. She addressed us on the oldest profession, "MOTHERBOOD". It was excellent and very thought provoking. Mrs. Tonia Kingma handed the gavel to Mrs. Ruth Thomas telling her to make good use of it. Mrs. Thomas in turn presented Mrs. Kingma with a gift. Mrs. Donna Coleman gave the courtesies. Mrs. Tonia Kingma adjourned the 1990 Grey-Bruce W.I. Area Convention at 8:35 pm.