Door prizes were won by Mrs Grace Hydman, Mrs Elsie Miskie. Mrs Doreen McAdam. Tweedsmuir Report was given by Mrs violet Quilan â€" she wondered how she could get the news from all over the County. Motioned by Mrs Elsie Houston seconded by Mrs Friar that we add the Secretaries to the Tweedsmuir Book (carried) Public Relation report was given by Mrs Ross McLean â€" She thanked every one for the opportunities to be represenative for the Public Relations she gave the list of 10 newspapers that she reported to. Museum Report was given be Mrs Howard Harriston she reported that they had a full time staff of 5. They have a lot of improvements. Mrs Harriston moved the adoption of her report seconded by Mrs Edna Kockler. (carried) Entertaiment by Bruce South they gave 2 readings Modern Girl and Newspaper. A Delicious Lunch was served. The afternoon session opened by a sing song led by Mrs Allwood accompanied by Mrs Graham Chambers In Memorium was conducted by Mrs Graham Chambers and Mrs Nixon. Mrs Borden Fenton gave the Chairman's address- She thanked all the institutes for all their help and also the executive. Mrs Graham Chambers introducted the quest speaker â€" M: Al. Leader from Wiarton. He stated in Bruce County ilteracy is very prominent. there is more men than women iliterate. They spend more time watching EElevision than reading. They are less apt to take part in different organizations. 10% cannot read labels on bottles. 33% cannot figure out change. literacy is a problem that money won't fix. 70% of battered women are ilterate. The very interesting speaker was thanked and presented with a gift. Mrs Helen Taylor from Farm Safety came in dressed as a well dressed man for safety. she conducted a safety contest . Door Prizes Mrs Margaret Playle. Mrs M. Doll, Katie Ball, Mrs Florence White. Mrs Doreen MacAdam declared all offices vacant. Moved by Miss Jeanne Simpson seconded be Mrs M.Harvey that Mrs Eleanor McLelland act as Secretary for the election of Officers (car) Motion by Mrs Gwen Harriston seconded by Mrs Elsie Houston that we accept the work of the nomination committee (carried) The list of Officers Past Chair. Mrs Jean (B) Fenton RR#1 Allenford NOH 1A0 Chairman Mrs Jeanne (A) Simpson Box 1421 Walkerton NOG 2V0 lst Vice Mrs Wilma (J) Bergsta RR#1 shallow Lake NOH 2N0 2nd Vice Mrs Lorraine (WM) McPherson RR#1 Hollyrood NOG 2B0 3rd Vice Mrs Anna (G) Farrow RR#2 Allenford NOH 1A0 Sec.Treas. Mrs Eleanor McLelland Box 53 Allenford NOH 1A0 Assist Sec. Mrs Marion (A) Schloff Box 456 Chesley NOG 1L0 Public Relation Mrs Betty (L) Ward RR#6 wiarton NOH 2T0 Assist.P.R.0. Mrs Doris Osterndoff RR#l Elmwcod NOG lSO Tweedsmuir Board Dir. Sub. Div. 17 Mrs Marion (P) Lowry RR#1 Kincardine NZZ 2X3 Auditors Mrs Helen Steip wiarton NOH 2T0 Mrs Evelyn White Wiarton NOH 2T0 A WW. . T's