\ltaVE 1909 : Parke and AndreWS have disposed of the Lion,s Head stage Route := to Ruggles Shouldice, who has already taken over the cash box. The late proprietors put up a first class service, and in the person of George Hummel they had a driver who was Johnny-on-the-spot. ***** Bruce County Council has petitioned the government to establish a mail stage route between Miller Lake and McVicar's on the Penninsula. ***** The McVicar timber limits are to be sold in Wiarton on Feb. 20th., There are some 90 lots comprising about 800 acres. ***** Two 1908 items: Ganton and Thompson are going out of business, in Lion's Head. R. E. Moore and W. B. Moore, it is reported , bought out the entire stock. ' Tamrack Mill is rflnning longer this year and three houses are being built, so things are booming at Stokes Bay. ****** i«cal: 1910 In Eastnor Township this year, the exciting end of the Vote was that for local option. The temperance peeple were well-orgammZed, and got out their vote, with the results that the wets were defeated, with 31 majority over the required three-fifths vote. Tally was 262 for local option, 122 against. ****** November : Albermarle's hour has struck. The latest mining resource in Ontario. A rich zinc claim of 100 acres. Shares will be sold at 25¢ by S. R. Turner. **** The workaon Alex McCoag's new barn in Zion, Keppel is being pushed ahead rapidly. **** Special wedding rings at Davis The Jewellers, 18 carat, hand made and polished, from $3.50 to 310.00. **** John Graham, 49, of Big Bay, was killed by a falling branch which struck him on the head, while lumbering on the company of John Wrigly and John McDougall. *******