i i will be hdd on May 13th at theGateway. 7 Heppmehday was sung lo 2 members and the ' {damn anwonbmeg Ming Miller read the Inhestrng Article, V Helen Steip gave the .Audttms report and oï¬cinted tn Installing the Ofï¬cers for the year2003-2004. A vote of thanks was giv to the heaters. Alter the W.I. Grace. tasty refreshments were Served and a social time am y ecretar Mildred Patterson 'y Bluebell W.I. report Submitted by Secretary Whfleï¬on The Bluebell W.I. celebrat- ed their 49th Birthday on June 3rd by going out to din- ner at the Top Notch. then to the home of Marg Miller for their meeting. Shirley Leeder opened the meeting with a poem “Garden in my Heart“ fol- lowed by the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect The hostess read the 24th Psalm. The roll call was an exchange of plants. slips, homemade jams and pickles. "What you might not know about June" was mi The minutes and treasur- er‘s report were given and appmvd‘ï¬ckels were hand» ed opt to be sold for the District and Insurance forms distributed Judey Buckland gave the Gateway Auxiliary report. The Mystery draw was won by Vivian Burt and Birthday fees handed in. Happy Birthday was sung. Shirley Leeder gave a report of the District Annual she had attended and was thanked by Helen Steip. Cayc Taylor read her autobiogra- phy to be put in the Needsmuir History Book. Grace Stcacy gave the Interesting Article marking the Coronation of the Queen. Eleanor Gibson represent- cddr program on Agriculture with readings and articles of mlEl'BSL Programs were handed out for the year. A delicious dessert was scrvai and enjoyed Bluebell W.I. report . Submitted by Secretary i Mildred Patterson Grim: Stcacy was hostess to the Bluebell W,l. when they met at her home on May 7th. President Shirley Leeder read “May Quote†and "In Praise of Summer" :ii'tcr welcoming those prcwnt. The W.I. ()tlt‘ \m» \ung lul- lmvui h). the Mary Sttwturt Cullut'l The Iinstt‘xx l'L'.lLi lllt‘ SCl'lpllllc tnkcn l'iuni lilt 23rd l’bitilll i Helen Strip had put together Mllllt.‘ l'nntl menu- rics til .1 l‘tvinit'l mcmlwi Evelyn “'lltlt'. \thu \\:|\ .l very \illtlt‘ti nwmlwi ul illL' Biuuht‘ll WI 'ihirit't . Let‘dt‘r I‘L‘llll “lJIL' IN Inn .1 bricl’ xpim" .iml "Win-n l L‘UIHL‘ [u lilL‘ rntl ul' liiL' Rnutl". A time ul Mirna wns llL‘lli Ill lllL‘lllIll’) nl . Evelyn The Roll ('nll \\’illt‘i1 \\.I“Name your lnvntnitt- hrnn [y or Intiritll'y mun". \\.Ih answered by (Iii. Wr \vcrt~ pluztsul tn have it new rnt‘mht‘i'juni. Minutes “'ch rcatl ill‘ld Trezixurcr'x report ilk‘L‘UplCti as given ('nrtt-cpumlunuu Ctlnkhl cd of "Thank you" nnttw program for the Di\l[lti Annual :it El"\\\ll|)tl. \lti» 22nd. Imitation lmm \ltli W i. In thclr met-ting .mii [Lipt‘l II'iL' til'lllllll\lr.1lliiii um JLlllt’ Ilth 'l'ht‘ liinritt-li HI) tiiiilii. “iii ht hrhl iiillt' 4th nitl' Illx‘t‘iili“ i" ii‘ilit‘i (hilt \\l'l| juiiil iii; \i.\lLl’ ill.i\\ L‘iiix ‘.i-||t In t 1. llnlui ltlti‘ ‘. linti i iilii i- .ul l'i'w .Illltlcx I nix-,fhitnm; l“t'|\|‘ttll\\ will i Lliw' \ll \lrvtin \l.il:.' \ii‘iu it'tlti ".\'l~v1h r" .li i lilnrinlliiiititt‘v lu-lrt lithium! - 1-, Hi (i.|lt'\i.i\ \tixiimu livimi (.inmluir intlu iii ('Hrinnt‘l ( l'w |.i‘|wr i‘i \tillll'ti .lil Inh Et’HlIllv,‘ pm grunt .lllit ix~ it .ul, .liitl .i |lll|l|l\t'i\ mmtmi “Mil M .l.nu:l Ihnl Mirniw Llnmi \\llil [ilL' \ill;'_lllf‘ HI lllt' \\ I (iltltt' .lllrl it‘lit'xlinit'nh \L'l \'t'|i Monnav, MAY 12, 2003 Greyâ€"Bruce InBrief GREY-BRUCE Hospital honours six volunteers Six people have th't'l'l l‘l()llHL|l‘|‘Li lly Grey Bruce Health Survirut I'm 5n years of volunteer service. Mnrkdnlc residents Edith Dunlap. Mill‘gfll at Mon Cer and Jean O'Neill. Helen Sll‘lP and Margaret Brough ol‘ Wiarton and Lil- lian Heard ofSouthampmn are the 50 year awzird recipients for 2003. D. Sherry Fleming and Billie Graingcr of Owen Sound were honoured for 50 years of service in 2001 and in 2000, respectively.