V " . .-‘I' ~â€" Van-Bastelaar-Tnvtor Bouquests of lemon-yellow (indict! and wrought iron cande- ‘ lebrn decorated Frank Street Baptist Church cnSnturdny, Aug- ust 29th. tor the marriage of Catherine June Taylor, daughter of Mr mths.Ew&rt M. Taylor, Wiarton, to John Leonark Vin Bastelnar, son at Mr. and Mrs, onto, Latry Monahan oi Wlarton and Jack Gurd oi \Vallacehurg. Mlchnel Monahan o! Wiarton was ring-bearer. A reception in the church basement followed the servtce where the bride's mother re- ceived the guests in a gown of taupe crepe with a corsage ot \ ’Ce/ebrate gallon/versary Saturday May 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamson received their friends and relations at their home on R. R. t Wtazton, when many people called to extend congratulations and best wishes to them on FhL‘ occasion of their 65th WeddingY Anniversary. The ten table was centred with a three-tiered Wed. ding cake, wlh candteabrns either sitter Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Wct‘t' married at [hl‘ home of the bride's parents on May 22nd, who' by the hev. James Mchen, Minister of I-rank St. Baptist Church of which they are members. Mrsi Williamson, the former l’earl l.lsk was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John |. ,MI'. Williamson was the eldest son of Mr. and his. \\', Williamson, all of RR 1, Wlarton. There are six sons, Louis. at home, hornet, Reg and Beve all of Wtartun, Clayton of Toronto, and llarve, Dundas. The youngest of the famtl), “lllllt†20 3081‘s old, died rwelvn year- ago on 'Ihnnl-sgivlal hay in a car accident. There are tour daughters, Hillel. Mrs. l.wnrt Taylor, 33523;? v" Ewen“ wm' 5"ng‘gsfgnoflgoï¬gmpflgeg Wiarton, Lyle, Mrs. w. Kelley, Harrie, Joyce, M q. ‘ P e _ , ,. , . H?%li:::§Emcoagictfgobé flu-eta mmmmaccflsoflesud ï¬lzhélrhl, Ollphnnt and Faye, Mr... Homer show, of 9- ~‘ - Y I o a. run - , - ‘ ‘ ’ Williamson. organist. womp- X535. tgllowe§£;magrl§::_ There are twenty four grandchildren and hmr meat anied soloist Mrs. Murray Hill pent†cm, {mm which the bride grandchildren. of Ayr. Ont. who sang. “Jesus, day or Man's Destrtng and ‘wn- ere'er You Walk'. The bride, given tn mnrrlï¬ge by her father, wore afloor length empire gown of flocked Swiss cotton. The bodice and hint neck-line were trimmed with in- cet The floor-length veil was held by I headpiece of applizued lace and pearls. The bride curled a cascade bouquet of white roses and stephanolts. Mrs. Carmen Hepburn of Tor- onto, sister at“ the bride, was l matron at honour and the brides- maids were Mrs, Lnrry Monnhan o! Wiarton and Mrs, Jack Guru of Wallacehurz. They wereslm- l ilnriy attired in lull lengthgowns oi blue-flocke ownss canon trimmed with blue-centred corn- flowers and wore daisies Luthetr hair. The groomsman were Alan Cad- otte ofWIllnceburg. Usherswere Michael Mnynignn oi Wallace- bure. Carman Hepburn of Tor- depnrted wearing a white and navy-flocked ansemhle with navy accessories and a corsnge of pink roses. Guests attended from Oshawa, Toronto, London, Chathum, wu- lacehury, Courtrlght,sunia,cu- eiph, Ayr, Port anbion and the Wiattcn area, l A gin Qéo'm/tho ' I 1!? ‘ ta 5 term t 5 area last Thursday night, with cold. The telephone poles wer V J I†“ gale force winds blowing a blizzard of snow from the E boat“ do“ ""1 me north east. The strong winds did considerable damage the full length of the Bruce Pentneula. Worst hit, was Tobermoryt The people there were Without hydro for some 36 hours leaving their homes dark and Cotpoys Bay. breaking awa an buremng in banks. Logs that were speged JP $35!; LlTuber; and can be seen in the photo above e 1"-