[70,? ï¬â€™ AGNES CLARK started a career uf teaching. In the minutes a? school section * 1, Kincardine township (hillartonl nf September 21, lSeS. there is a motion that Agnes Clerk be hired as a teacher fur ssoo fur the year 1399. The motion was by Henry Daniel and seconded by George Clark. In the {allowing year at a meeting n6 actober 2S, 1359. it was recommended that she not be rerengaged. In 1390 she was a witness at her brother George's weddingi Shortly after that she went to Calgary to get a teaching Jab and tound a school near Cothrene. It so happened that she had room and huard at the home o4 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ellis who came with their 5 sons and 3 daughters in April laao trom Pakenham, Lanark County in Untario. up December 25, 1394, she was married to John Ellis of the Jumping Fond Settlement. Her address and place of marriage is listed as Sprucedale Settlement in the district uf Alberta, North west Territories. witnesses were aelle Honilaws uf Hltfard and w. w. Stuart ot Jumping Pond, and the minister was J. C. Herdman. Circa ivoo, the family moved to the Prentiss District near Lacombe, where they took up farming. Charlie and uinnie Ellis sold part B! this farm in 1992 to Union Carbide Canada Ltd. who also helped to establish the Ellis Sird Farm Ltd., a non prufit company 4or the continued encouragement and propagation o; Mountain Blueoirds and 1ree Swallows. what had started in 1S50 by Charlie as a single birdhouse turned into 300 bird houses fur the Mountain Bluebird, Purple Martin, Black~capped Chickadee, Tree Swallow and Flicker, and now there is a naturalist faundatian to continue the bird canservatiun and wildliie preservation ROBERT CLARK married September 26, 1894 in Kincardine to Sarah Louisa Daniels, daughter 96 william Henry Daniels and Mary Shawfelt. They were on the membership rolls of Hillarton Methodist church in 1895 and 1397. County directories list them as living at lot 20 15DR in ls9o and by 190: were at lot so conc. lSDR. Kincardine twp and his occupation was listed as weaver. shortly after they moved to Swan Lake Manitoba where he contracted work on a farm. Returning to Kincardine in 3?ZH. he was employed as a school Janltur until his death. ALEXANDER CLARK received his early education at nillarton schoo and Kincardine High School. He entered the Kincardine Reporter affine while Mr. M. M. nack was proprietor and learned the printing business. On leaving Kincardine, he worked in London, Toronto and winnipeg. Soing to Calgary circa ivozra, he bought out a printing Office "auick Print" and under the tirm oi Clark and Tivey, a large and prosperous business had been built up. He was a young man aha was highly esteemed in Calgary and was EvEr ready to Extend the hand of friendship to any old frlends from Bruce. En Saturday, April 9, 19lo, he was attacked and robbed nf iso and thrown aver an Embankment near the Bow River. He regained consciousness between 5 and a on Sunday morning and walked to his boarding house. By Monday, the pain frnm a wound on the back uf his head became unbearable and he was admitted to the BEnEral Hospital. By Tuesday evening his condition became worse and he passed away on Saturday morning, April Id at a D'chCk Page 4