1113» 4‘ tons uf hay. The religious denominations are recorded as 4ollons q James is listed a Congregationalist. Alexander as church a Scotland and Agnes as aaotist. GEUREE CLARK continued farmlng the homestead o6 lots 2e and 27 EDP Kincardine township. Prcbahly no man liying in the district had more ExperlEnce than he in municipal affalrsl while still a young man. before his marriage. he served on the board a6 school trustees (Dr nillarton School 5. s. n i. From this he graduated to the township council. at which he was a member far 17 years. Including tKD terms as reeye in lq2os22. aetueen filllng these posts. he also acted as assessor fur the tnunship for lo years, and for a 2 year period was a commissioner of the Huron ano Klnlnss Teleonone System For several years his name was used as the hillarton Post D‘{ICE. this being the hrick house which mas built in lsol. He was actzvely engaged in numerous positions at the Hillarton Methodist Church. Dn May 23. love. he married Flora Gordon McFadyEn. daughter nf ueil thadyen and Mary Garden. The :eremuny was performed at the home at John Alexander, Durham road. uith the Rey. Alex thadyen. minister ot Tiverton Baptist church. and a cousin at the bride assisted by Rev. Thomas Amy o; the Bervia Methodist Church. witnesses were Agnes Clark. sister of the groom and william McFadyen. orother of the bride. :HRlsrlNA CLARK remained single and very little is knunn about her. '0 she was a witness in less at the marriage uf her sister hargarec She signed a legal document cn harch ll. 1869 whizh was the basis for Eenrge Clark having fulfilled the requirements of James Clark's wlll so that the land transter could be orooerly eaeeuteo. lt notes in the document that she uas single. She apparently had travelled considerably as a letter also in 15?? from willie :lark in Elasguw states "Vnu must be very pleased to haye your sister home so near you nuw after she has been auay such a long distance. Her death certificate lists the place cf death as Bruce Buunty. A check Nlth the Registrar General indicated there was no tuwn or taunéhlp mentioned. but it recorded that she was buried in a orctestant cemetery and that the inxormant was J. Kidd. M.D. l have not been able as yet to locate either her grave or the (nun where Dr. Kidd lived. HAREARET CLARK has married on July 21. less in Klntardine Taunshlp to Jacob Elahn. son of Frederick Elahn and Mary Home. Yhe minister was Rey. a. L. Murray o4 Knox Presbyterian church, Kincardine. and the witnesses were Peter Elahn and Christina Clark. They tank up farming far the next 22 years. haying purchased lots 43 and 4? on the 2nd concession NDR of Kincardine thnship. This same land has sold in lqsn by James Elahn to Loran clart Peter (wlzzl. another descendant cf Alexander Clark. hargaret and Jacob did not have any children. margaret. suttering from a deterioration cf health. was admitted as a patient to the nntario Hospital in tondon on harch 2i 1905 and remained there until her death in 1?11. In 1905 Jacob moved to Orleans. Nebraska, where he engaged in the cream y business. He died on February 14. 1933 as a result uf complicatisns arising after tallino from a load at "Dam