flag» 1 (If ALEXANDER GIBSEIN CLARK AND AGNES LDUXSE MDFFAT Alexander Gibsun Clark was baptised in Auchinleck, Scotland, in the county m‘ Ayr which is about 25 miles south o4 Glasgow. A reVie-c of the Mormon church microï¬lm of the Auchinleck Parish Register indicates that he was the son uf Eenrge Clark, a cotton weaver, and Margaret Blbsnn. The parish register also lists the baptism of his other brothers and sisters. The entries fur the Clark family are: James baptised September 5, laoz Page 232 christian June it) 1904 233 John May ia 180:. 235 Nilliam December 2A. 1909 239 Alexander January 10 1515 242 Alexander February 13 1314 2-32 Agnes dctober 27 lelo 257 George (not recorded 7 estimated circa more) The register also lists the birth u‘ hargaret Gibson on March 2, 1777, the daughter at John Bibsun itailorl and Christine Peden as well as other children of the same Family. There were no entries (or Alexander’s father Geurge in the Auchinleek register whith starts in 1673, so it is assumed that he moved into the area. The families fulluwed the Scottish custom o+ naming the eldest son aiter the paternal grandfather, the second son atter the maternal grandiather, the third son after the «ether, the eldest daughter a+ter the maternal grandmother, the second daughter aster the paternal grandmother and the third daughter aÂ¥ter the mother. Frnm this summary it Huuld be reasonable to assume that Alexander‘s grandparents would be James and Agnes Clark. Auchinleck in the period o4 1790r78 had a population uf 775 r in 1v5l it was 5509. You will note that there were two entries for Alexander Clark. It is assumed that the first one died in 1313 shortly atter birth. No entry was found (or his brother George and it is assumed he would be horn circa 1EO7â€"8. The tombstone (or James in Kincerdine, Ontario cemetery would indicate that he was born in 1792. I remember my ‘Father mentioning that James needed verification of his birthdate for some legal records, and had written to Scotland {or this. It was recognized that the date given him made him ten years older than he thought he was, but since it has a church record, it was considered to be right. There was a James Clark born December 2, 1792 listed in the register. but he is a son of John Clark. It is quite apparent that the person lacking up the register recorded the wrong date or birth for him. fllexander and his Eldest bruther James immigrated tn Canada Circa $345. It is believed that they lived in nne of the Scottish settlements in the Brampton area 4Dr a period o; abuut two years beiore acquiring land in Kincardine Township. The Durham Ruad was surveyed in lENEI and 1949 and the government made an order in Euuncil an August 25, IEHE tn Offer a free grant Lu actual settlers of a +i+ty acre farm lot on one o+ the twu concessions north or smith at this road to encourage settlers to came into the area. The Earliest record that I have fuund is their signed names all:le with Page 1