Bervie WI takes mysfefxfllï¬c {Gila {4" Let‘s celebrate! The Bruce County Women's Institute celebrated Its ’ 50th anniversary at the Underwood Community ‘ Centrelast Tuesday. PrasidontGunno Weber, Ian. cuts l the cake with assistance from past presidents Betty I Anne Thompson and Lois Frelburger. (Clndy Brown r photo) From the 300% Bervie W.l. All enjoyed mystery tour 'llir llcrvii' WI Iiicctini- ism litflil Si'pl H. livcwmu' mist lll lllt‘ llilll ziiill Wt‘lll IIII :I III\\Il!l'yltllll In |’;ii\lrv In llii' llllllll Snap Slim- 'Ilu' iii'\l \Iup “.131 Thu li-.i Rum“ \l‘lii‘l'i,’ urn-inn: cnjuyi-ul \iiiiiiIi-x nl ililluii'ul kind»; of iL-i. .Iilil rlrlitiuiis ill-W'rix, A iiici'liiu' win IlL'ltl .ll lllt‘ 'lui lx'miiii mil: I2 Int'nilx‘ix iii :ilit-iiiluiicu 'Iliir (iniuunliun .qu l(:lli\ u‘cn- (llwthM'll llir l ‘zli‘il l‘uillcs will hr shut in)! lll'dlll «iii Supt. 27 'l'lll- ilii'vlllll! k l\‘.\t'\l ‘sli‘ltl rwry Hlll‘ k'Ullllllllt'tl lu lllt’ l )Iil Mill Ull lllt' \i‘uy' lunur l‘J’i‘lMlllt‘ Iiml tui uninvulilc .illt‘iiilmii \tilli ï¬lllllfl't'll Miinu)’ \(‘ll\'k'llllr 51004:- ocToBER The Bervie Wl meet- ing. Sept 8. began at the hall before a mystery tour to Hora Soap Store in Pas- loy, The owner explained how ll". made soap. and gave everyone a bar. Then wr: wont to the tea mom Wherc we sampled differ- ent kinds of tea and had delicious desserts We had a short meet- ing at the tea mom; there were 12 members present. Thr- mnvenuon and rally were discussed and the nutritian and wellness seminars to be held at the Kinks hall. Sept. 15. Our bazaar will be Oct. 30 at our hall from 2-4 pm.; we hope everyone can make it. The and parties start up again on Saint. 27. Our meeting closed.l and we went to the Old ' Mill on our way home. They have done a lot of work with it. and have crafts and books. etc We had an enjoyable after- noon. Maureen Murray was the convener, From Bervie WI. :10 o 9‘â€" Secret pals revealed lhr [lcrvm WI. annual I'll; I my unit held in the hall onAri 7 WL' hurl .i potluck dinner Willi i1 rlh‘lllhch pruscnl with the llIIIHMl int-cling inllnwrng dinner, I'izv: in:an and ï¬nancial report it :v- gin-n The now cxccutivc for ill-,- cnming your art pus! pmxidcru Sylvia Huxhury. prestdcnt Elm Schulcr. vice-prcuidcnt Vin-n: 1hulnf~afl. 2nd VlCL‘API'CSlLlL'III Itilhcl McConnell. sacrum/r thurcr Bciiy Jcan Wit. and ‘t\\l.\‘l&|nl Virum: Thompson. Prank-n1 Elsie Scholar gave .: rcaiding illld roll call was :insWt‘l’l‘tl Thu minuics of lhc PWVIIILH nit-cling wen: y'vcn and “W titauurur‘s r21an was also gin-n. .»\ motion mix [usual in pa) all 1h: hills ’l'hc Dixtrin Annual Wlll be held May .77 in Elinwomi The annual plant sale mll he held on May 29 at the hall. so b: sun: to unlu- a non: of this and we hope you can allL'ndl Berry Anne Thompson and lsabel McConnell will be anende in; the Rum of Bruce on Apr 15‘ El wax doctdccl that all mem- bus rhould wrilc an article on their life to be put in me TWoedsmuir Book The Branch Directors had a program. Margaret Harkncss gave us some lively mtusiu on the piano and Emily had two poems md somr: jokes. A scant pal exchange was held and some wcre surprised at who their uxml pal was. The meeting closed Willi a social hour {Llld a cup nl' coffee and Wu. The next mL-cung will be held u. the hall on May 5. New mem- bers m alwayt wclmme! _l__ l Bervie W.I. have a show and tell Hy Murgnn-t Hnrkm-ss Thu Home Women ~. lllRlllulL‘ lIlL‘l iii the hull nu MM 1 with it good :iilmitlumr Prcslilcnt Sylvia Hinlmry \\'t‘| comm] cveryunu O ('iinudu iIlld the Opt-hing 0dr: were sung with Bully .lC.Ill While us piuiiisl. lbllounl h; 3 Tht‘ Mun Sk‘W-Irl t‘nllu’i. Sh‘ll’l‘ldl'y Enuuuri'r Bull) Jenn Whiti- prL‘NILlCtl uvcr lhc mll [.lll 'llu- ll'lllllllL‘V und cm- ntspumluncc ucrc rut]. Thu DNrM Annual m]! be May 1} in l-ilmwmdi Eight mcmhcrx from Ben iu plilll In uiicml. ltcrvit' WJ, “Ill hum: u plum mlll‘ lll rht- hull nu SuL. May 25. llulii ‘1 1-» 12 iimiii (‘nmt-iicr Sylvia llmblll’y aitucks, cancer and osienporn- SIS Members had brought someâ€" uumduu-il gum spam-r Dr. ‘ thing their mother‘s had made [ah-.uior liiylnr (Hephumi RLN. the, “CHI lll|nit‘0[l.i|lil\.' from KlnLJrLllllL' Holistic Ccnirc, Tupr included ho l‘l(inllllltt‘~ impact stmkls. he for Show and Tell. The meeting closed fol- lowed by a lunch saved by Hazel lcan Mchlland and Emily Bushcll.