At the October meet- ing of the Bervie Wom- . en's Institute, program convener Hazel Jean McLelland discussed the new health rules Bervie Wl‘s 100th anni- versary. Emily Bushell and Mildred Griffith were presented with pine for 60 years of service, by Wanita as the l‘imlos: JUL _ ebrated m goth :: r versar‘. The next oneâ€! i, is 2 pm on ‘ Bertie illl?l" †Following the business Holladay of Chesley. The no , :i‘w' meeting, Hanna Various cakes were Nov 7.Thr, mu ~ Splettestoesser and made and served by Sandra 2-.1 I 5' Elsie Schuler Served re- members during an en wnh the mm freshments. joyable social time. should too On Oct. 17, a tea was Members were in- tenpm‘usls held to celebrate the vited to a tea on Oct. 25 The Bervie WI met July 1 at the to stay on war 11w : hall. President Virene Thompson ' Luzl.‘ !l'"\"<l--ilv!' '* gave a reading, A Tribute To making lumll m 1 Canada. The meeting opened with 0 they hope will 'sz - 1 Canada, the Ode and Mary Stewart convontirm u‘ c n : w . V _ ' I ' - . r . Collect. Roll call. given bynine mem- be a quilt SI'HH“ w ‘ , I 1 bers and one visitor. was where do l[ was. (ll'fllll‘u . . ï¬leï¬ewle WIG‘Elflhl'ated its 100th anniversa ' . Wlalpuhllefeapct.17_cmï¬ngthe «Regain meetings were read and the finan- off the, gelehration were 60-year members Emily; cial report given. Correspondence Bushelli‘ left, and Mildred Grifï¬th. (Kiel Edge photo) remember . Thirteen members of the Bervie Women’s Institute met for their No- ‘vemher meeting. After the usual opening. the roll call was what you wanted to know about osteoporosis. ‘ Cards were signed for the commu« nity. ,,Invitations to Virene Thomson’s 80th birthday party were distributed. A report was given on the convention. The Gillies Hill in- ' .stitute presented a Rose programme- cently, which 134 members attended: they received a Trillium grant. Program convener Sandra MacDonald had ï¬tting readings for Bervie WI} .- you like to walk? Remembrance Day, naming local solv diers serving in the Second World War. Sylvia Hasbury introduced guest speaker Eleanor Roppel, of Kincar- dine, who gave a lot of information about osteoporosis She recom- mended lots of exercise, vitamin D and cod liver oil. After you reach 25 years. your bones start to decompose One in four women and one in eight men show signs of the disease. The meeting closed, and Norma Hartwick and Sylvia served a tasty lunch. ‘ At the-October meet- mg of the Bowie Wom- en’s Institute, program convener Hazel Jean Mehella-nd discussed t ' e’alth rules. ' ,e'business Hanna .0117 .7 ateaiwas held to celehrate' the Bervie WI’s 100th anni- versary. Emily Bushell and Mildred Griffith were presented with pins for 60 years of servico, by Wanita Holladay of Chesley. Various cakes were made and served by members during an en- joyable social time. Members were in- vitedtoatea on Oct. 25 as the Kinloss WI cel- ebrated its 50th anni- versary. The next card party is 2 pm. on Nov. 6 in _ Bervie; all are welcome. The next meeting is Nov. 7. The convener is Sandra MacDonald with the topic what you should know about os- teoporosis. â€"â€"_ The minutes for the May and June was read. The health unit says a ‘ villa) is available for seniors on how the group (llslilfll fall fair The guest sgwnljw l‘. i of Paisley. to it. - ;' w; On Bruve Crumv Hill I: v†Bervie The Bervie Women's institute onw- ing was held July 1 at our hall. President Vircne Thompson gen: . reading and the mccung um «\[u‘ncvl l with O' Canada. the Odc and Mar“ ‘ Stewart Collect. Roll call in.» guru nine members and one visitnr The Mn. and June minutes were [EuLl anal cial report given. Correspondence was read and 1’ « i decided to put an entry in the Elm play at the Kinturdinc Full [our I speaker Ev Craddock of" Faulty gin e .m interesting talk on Bruce ('uum} RM Trails. Show and Tell \\.1> .il‘ULll r'\]'lv:: I ences in or about 4â€"H. I The meeting closed and luntli nun served by James chm and Hunt“ Kloosterboer. The next mecung will b} on August 2 :u is p.m. at the hull Roll Call will be “How to protect youer from falls." f mâ€"‘W