Bervieï¬lm. m? Assistant president Mildred Griffith presided for the January meeting of the Bervie WI. Follow- ing 0 Canada. the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, Mildred read New Year Sales. Betty Jean White read the minutes and financial report. The roll call was about childhood dreams. Win- ter projects were shown and cards were signed for those in need. Get well Wishes are extended to t president Isabel McConnell; hope you feel better 5001]. Following God Save The Queen and grace. mem- bers shared leftover Christmas sweets for lunch. At the February meeting. convener Janice ‘ Hewitt will have a health theme. Roll call is how you promote your health and well being, also, a Valentine treat will be judged. Feb. 19 is Women's Institute Day. Betty Jean White busted nine members of the Bervie Women’s In- stitute at their Febru ary meeting. Acting president Mildred Griffith read a poem on love. The theme of the role call was health. Betty Jean, who also is secretary-treasurer, noted that 2008 is the year oflanguages. year of the potato and year of planet earth, Pota- toes have high protein, vitamin C and potas sium. Convener Janice Hewitt read a Valen- tine poem. then pre- judged by [slay Eby. with Mildred taking first and Janis taking second. Members then dis- cussed how the insti- tute could earn money. Members will make meat pies with Bruce County. You can order pies from WI members by March 1: call Sandra MacDonald at 519-395 5447 for more informa- _a0 0 5L ‘ Christmas meeting The Bervie W1 held its December meeting. Dec 1. at the hall beginning with a potluck dinner which everyone enjoyed. Roll call was given by 12 mem- bers and flares guests: a joke or poem. The minutes and ï¬nancial statement were given. and a letter read about the 4-H's 90m amuversary: the group will give a ‘ $52 donation. ‘ The meeting was turned over to Hentjie Kloosterboer. who gave a talk on the symbolism of Christmas flowers, shrubs and plants; and Emily Bushell, who read a poem, Share the Bird. Christ- mas carols were sung. A gift exchange was held, and everyone brought a stamped Chiishnas card to send to senâ€" iors. The next meeting is Jan. 5, weather permitting. with the theme of education. Roll call will be a report on a book you have read recently. tion. The district direc- tors meeting is March 6 in Elmwood. l- The March meeting will have the theme of mind and body fitness, sented a video on hand 'with convener Betty WEShll‘ig ‘ the beSt WHY ‘ Anne Thompson. R011 to prevent infections. Remember to wash your hands before you . eat. after you treat a ‘ wound. tend to some one who is sick, after using the washroom. coughing, sneezing or changing diapers. car- ing for pets and also af- ter handling uncooked . food or handling gar- bage. Each person brought a Valentine treat to share. Treats were Call is about balancing wants and needs. Bervie WI report June/s , .10 0 9 Mildred Griffith opened the June meeting of the Bervie WI with the Prayer of Awakeness and a joke.’ Betty Jean White read scripture and The Lord's Prayer. Hostesses were Margaret Harkness and [slay Eby. Nine members answered the roll call by naming a grocery product from Central or South America. Money will he give to the Bruce County Mussum in Southampton. as well as gifts to members of the Wom- en's House. Several members will help Janice McKean to plant vegetaâ€" ble gardens. Virene Thompson gave the Dis- trict annual report. noting how We __Â¥ support food grown within 100 miles. Sylvia Hasbury is the outgoing president, with Brenda Ramsdale | taking on the office for the Pine River W1. Maureen McAdam is retiring as l treasurer. I Betty Jean had a reading. The Lonely Cow. and a contest. Then Edna and Alex Stewart told of their farm tour in South America. Edna showed pictures of the frams: soy beans, which are made into oil, cocoa and grapes, as well. as sheep farms and cattle ranches. The July meeting starts at 8 p.m. Convenor Islay Eby will use the theme of local business ' women. All welcome. l