.tâ€"â€"i "â€" Package Ticket Prices # I Available until May 15, 2005 in Adult Weekend Package $50.00 Variety Concert Dance "Eddie & the Edsels" Beef Barbecue Chicken Barbecue Sunday Breakfast Thursday Ball Game Friday Ball Game Talents,Trends & Treats Package $25.00 Ticket includes light refreshments Olde Memories Crime Alive Garden Party Bridal Fashions from the Past Regular Ticket Prices Variety Concert Adults $5.00 Children $200 Ball Games Thurs. & Fri. Adults $5.00 Children $2.00 Co-ed Ball Hockey Age Groups 1012 years 13-16 years 17 and over EnU'y Fee $20.00 Team nfï¬ players Minimumon females per team Dances Eddie and the Edsels Age ofMajority In Advance 512.00 AttheDoor $15.00 Youth Dance 35.00 Advance tickets honoured until 10pm Food Beefdr. Chicken Barbecues Adults $12 00 Children 5-11 56.00 Sunday Breakfast Adult $7 00 Children 5-11 54 00 Talents, Trends & Treats Olde Memories Come Alive 3 10.00 Garden Party $10.00 Bridal Fashions from the Past $10.00 Euchre Tournament $2.00 Tickets include light refreshments ColfTournament Golf. golfcart, buffet & busing Entry Fee $100.00 per person $400.00 pcrtcam 8 No Ticket Refunds I Snuveni # Golf Shirt (ladies) $35.00 Golf Shirt (Mens) $35 00 Tâ€"sliirt (Adult) $15.00 Tâ€"shirt (Youth) $12.00 Wind Jacket (Adult) $55.00 Frisbees $ 3.00 Garden Stone 520.00 Plastic Mug 5 3.00 Committee Contacts # Tickets Chris Inglis phone: 519.367.3131 emai1:msinglis@wigliimnn ca Jane Rapcr519.335.6341 Nancy Stafford 519.3“ 1876 PennyMulveySl93] 6232 Souvenirs Chris Dickson phone. 519.335.3877 email: chrisdfrflwruon ca Parade Warren \Vchcr phone/tax: 519.392.3215 email. wrweher@iwgiitinaii.:a GoltTournamcnt Jay Marslon phone-519 1571089 email. goodtmiesévbcllnetca Register by June 1, 3005 CarShtiw Owen Wright phone: 519 357.3338 email: O\\'En\"@l\\’lg11rfl‘all [A Road Hockey Kris Wright phone‘ 519 357.3238 Andrew Dickson phone 519.335 3877 email' helmnreroadhuchrlehotniail coin had the same late in 1933, The top right photo shows toss Sheet looking west. between 1908 and 1914. photos were supplied by the Belmore Homecoming c mittee. déme'nome'to Belmore in 200! Belmore is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2 with its ï¬rst-ever Hmmzcommg. The community has quite an interesting history, event organizer Barry Mulvey. Looking at historical uments and news Clippings. he said it‘s nhiious Beh was intended to he a bigger town. It's well laid out grid of lots and mails, At one point it had three in But there was no river to provrde power for run mills. and the railway never went through Belmore. What the community lacks in size it makes up ft heart, evidenced by events such as the annual m syrup festival. Mulvey said Homecoming 2005 is an ambitious deavour for a small community. Volunteers have ste forward to help, and more » a good many more - W needed as the event draws closer, Homecoming festivities kick on" on Feb 18. at thr riual meeting ofthe Chamber ol'CommerL'e There'll dinner and dance. with music by Crippled Ducks. Beard Growing registration will take place that even The main festivities will take place Wednesday. 15, to Sunday, June 19. The oflicial opening is on the Wednesday. with a ety concert and local dignitaries. On Thursday Lhere'll he ball games Kyle Wright, organia'ng the sports side of the festivities, said a Si: feanire on the Thursday will be the Under 19 Austi- national champions. Chris Wright. who has play? the Canadian championship Elmira team, will pl; Friday. Saturday is the big day with a parade, bail hc tournament heel‘barbecue and a dance to Eddie an Edsels on the arena floor On Sunday. a special event is Bridal Fashions Fro! Past. put on by Lhe UCW and WMS, plus a chicken b one and closing ceremonies. There'll be breakfasts. a golf tournament tFrid Wingham), food booths. euthre tournament. 3 dance. car Show, horseshoe toumament and much 1 “It‘s our ï¬rst go at a homecoming,“ said Muivey. l vites anyone who'd like to help out to check the H coming website at wwaelmor82005£a and co any committee member listed. People of all ages are come. including young people. “We need everyhi said Mulvey. So far, about 150 volunteers are invol nrmv mind for a communitv with a population of