“r7? we; comer Thar Work With You “nnnn HAWKINS Mill's VllllIIWEllll ‘ LiLii_ll_iLl|_l|_t Many Belmore figure skaters pass into more advanced classes Congratulations to Lisa and Mike te RM who were married at the St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Wingham on Saturday Nov. 2011:. Their wedding dinner and reception were held at the Eel- morc Arena with many from the community mending. n a a Ruse" and Helen Nickel cele- brated their 59th wedding an- niversary on Wednesday Novem- ber 24th, Congratulations from the Belmore community. . y . Many of the Belmore Figure Skaters have passed into more advanced classes since classes started the last week in October. Congratulations to Marsha Ben- ‘ ningcr who has passed Pro-Be- Obituary earmr, Orlene was the daughter of John Halliday and Joan Hcrd. On July 16. 1937 in Wingham. she married Midfcrd Harkness, Left to mourn her passing are husband. Midford Harkness and daughter. Muriel Frank of Toeswater Also survived by three grandchildren, one great grandchild and brothers, Alan Halliday of R.R.2. Tocswalcr. Hardy Halliday of St. Thomas. Sinclatre Halliday of England: sisters. lean Gemmell. Dundas, Ont. and Evelyn Harden. Eden Mills. OI'IL Predeceased by one sister. Sarah, Funeral service was held on Monday, November 15. 1993 at 2 pm. at the MacPhcrson Funeral Chapel. Teeswatcr. Rev. Stephen Lindsay ofï¬ciated. Interment Tecswater-Cuimss Cemetery. Pallbearers were Walter Halliday. Gary Borden. Bob Gemmell, John McGinty. Brian Ireland and Ron Harkness. nephews oi the deceased and flower bearers were Debbie and Brenda Cullitnn, great-nieces of thedecctmd. Orlene was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswaier and ginncr. Beginner and Elementary; Travis Inglis who passed his Be- ginner: Lindsay Inglis and Byron Horton who have passed Elemen- tary; Greg Jeffray who has passed both Elementary and Basic; Sarah McGiynn who has passed her Ba- sra; Jessica Ross who passed her Novice 1; Anita Kavelmnri who passed both Novice I and Novice 11; and to Jennifer Wilhelm who posed her Novice i]. an Congratulations are also ex- tended to Frank and Gladys Ren- wick who will celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary tomor- g): - Thursday December the l w†Many from the Belmore com- munity attended the Belmore Moms and Tots craft sale held Saturday - vendors ï¬lled the main hall. lunch was served in the small hall. the gals were very busy in the kitchen serving lunch. In addition the library was the scene of a book sale. on the ice were many games of hockey with the midget Silver Stick Hockey tournament and the booth was busy sewing soup. hot dogs and hamburgersl Is it any wonder there was no place to park’l'l’.’ . . . Al Dickson of Lewis Flowers in Wingham and formerly of Belmore held an Open House M. Orlene Harkness Mary Orlene Harkness of Teeswater passed away on Saturday. November I3, 1993 at the age of 76, after a lengthy battle with Annual Craft Show sponsored by the Belmore Moms and Tots was again a success Sunday afternoon offering all the opportunity to View his newly renovated showroom and walk through the greenhouse ï¬lled with Christmas poinsettias while 7 sipping hot apple cider and smoking on cookies! ‘ t ‘ Saturday morning two of Jan- ice Ballagh's stepdancing groups involving Belmore young people had the unique opportunity to perform on the program Onprie Daisy. It is scheduled to air earl: in the new year. We will pass or the exact date when it become available. uura McPherson. List inglis, Nikki McDonald and Na talit: Heifer made up one grout with Kendra Inglis. Laura Jarvis Kelly Fischer and Jul making up the other, Inglis also made an at? on stage! _ «57‘ gt BREAK “ME: Jim Inglis. well known in the Belmore commu- nity. who now resides at Maple Court Villa. Walkerlon. enjoyed a little rest in the community hall following adelicious meal at pan- cakes and sausage while attend- ing the Belmore Maple Syrup Fos- tival last Thursday. He enioyed himsalt so much he was back Saturdayl Photo by Douglas. (6 Darlene Fear and Linda Fischer were “151 two at the moms irom Belmore Morris and Tots who were kept busy in the kitchen serving lunchtotne cmwdwno attandedthe annual craft sale heidSaturday In the Belmore Community Centre. - Photo by Douglas BIRTHS TOLTON - Paul and Jane Tolton welcomed Michaela Jane into their lives on March 10. 1996. She was * born at the County at Bruce Gen- eral Hosp'nal. Walkerton and she weighed In at 6 lb. 15 mt. Michaela is blessed to have grandparents. Deanne and Ralph Dickson oi Belmore and Dale and Tim Tolton ol Bluavala. Great grandparents. Doris and Jim Ellis 0! Wingham and Doris andErnioToltonolWalkenon, a great great grandmother. Eva Williams at Hanover. as well as many aunts. uncles and cousins. until her illness had taken an active pan in Ladies Aid. the WMS. and Fellowship Circle of the church. She had been employed at Campbell Soup Co., Listowel for 13 years. retiring in 1977. Peter and Marion Aebediardt of Wroxeter anmunce the mini of their new daughter Dana on Feb. 21 at the ngham and District Hospital. Big brother Nals. who is three, ï¬nds this new little pink . - Photo by Douglas bundle quite intriguing! Congrat- ulatjons! u u - "E E s 5 D g m z =- c 2 E m U 'u c m tables Saturday at the lestival by transporting the garbage to the MAHILY NGLIS was one of the young table assistants 1 ~ she helped Pauline Duncan clnat the . = e o: '5 = 3 05 a) Lu 2 x E a: E a: p