O A belated congratulations is extended to Jamie Vollmer who came home with a bronze medal in the pie-novice division follow- ing competition at the sectionals held in Pickering a few weeks ago. 3 O I Thursday seven tables of card playu's attended the Women's In- stitute Gard party held in the liâ€" brary with Rita Van Eugen. Liz Weishnr and Doro McGuinness whoï¬liedinforBenyStaffordas the hostesses for the evening. High man was Hank Bus. second high man was Lorraine Wright who played as a man. High lady - was Isobel Gamble 'and second high was Eleanor Dane. Most lone hands wont to Helen Reidt and the door prize went to Janet Inglis. The last card party of 1993 will be held Thursday Du; 16th with the ï¬rst one for 1994 scheduled for Thursday January 6th. The December W.l. meeting will be held at the Riverboat with a Christmas luncheon and the ï¬rst '94 meeting will be held at 2:00 pm. on Wednesday Jan. 12th with a speaker on palliative (2TB. not Friday evening many From the Belmore area enjoyed attending the annual "Hanging of the Green" in Mildmay with the lighted parade a definite high- lighL see The sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to the fatnin of Edna Adams on her passing, as well as to her "Belle Haven fam- ily'I who will certainly miss her. Visitation was held Sunday and the funeral service was Monday. Saturday. August29th, the weddingolTrccnaJrflmy and Stephen Aitchcsrrn lrrnl place in Kinmrtlinc tr ratncd very briefly after the signing ofthe register,hutwusfollowcdbya beautiful rainbow. Sarah and Elizabeth chfray from Alberta came home with grandpa. Arnold Jeffrey, to attend the wedding. Congratulations to ‘l‘reena unilSlephen irornthc Belmont community u. Many area homes looking The Belt-note Community Cen- Ire was a busy spot this past weekend with both the Western Foundry and South Bruce Ru- ral/Wighunan Telephone Co. holding their Christmas parties at the facility. O 0 ï¬t A sincae welcome home is ex- tended home to John Dickson who recently had a knee replaced in Guelph. It is hoped'that he'll be able tobeoutandaboutsoon; to: Marion Eadie and Chris Dick- son of “Goodies by Two Shoes“ will be in Toronto‘at the Signs, tut-es Show this week armed with boxes of stock they have been busily preparing and a multitude of gift baskets to sell. - e e A bridal shower was held at. the home of lack and Janet Day for their niece Karla King with many from the communities surround- ing Belmore in attendance. Karla is Currently attending teacher’s college and will wed Daryl But- tun formerly of Teeswater the and of Fcbnrary. A stag and doe will be held for them Saturday Dec. 18th. sue Education is one of the most important ï¬elds in today's soctr ety. But have you ever thought of what goes on "behind the seer-res?" Hi! My name is Sandra Busby and I’m a Grade 12 student at F. El Madill Secondary School in Wingham. I am taking Co-op this year and my placement for the 1993»l994 school year is in the office at the Sacred Heart School. also in Wingham. Teachers are the most recog- nized people at schools but the office staffdojust as much work. There are many important forms and It:th to be completed and sent out in order for your child to go to school. My supervisor is Anneue Carson who is the ofï¬ce secretary. She helps me every day that I'm attire school and without someone like Annette, the school's important paperwork wouldn't get done. The duties that l performed so far have involved dealing with old George and Berdella Kiefferare go pgoud gtalnhdparents of a new anson- eiroth f' grandchildrai. O my" Matthew, weighing in at 6 pounds 4 ounces. was born Friâ€" day, March 4th at the Women's College Hospital in Toronto to first time parents Wayne and Dr. ./. . l Jamie Vollmer :takesa bronze ~E’ (intended for last week) iSandrarBus Any coaches wishing to have hockey scores and/or details of games published in the paperlre asked to providimâ€"e with‘a sum» mary by Sunday evening for in< clusion in that week's paper. u a o e Many of the homes in the area are looking very festive these nights with a multitude of Chrisunas lights and decorations - every little bit helps promote thespiritofthe season and isap- procialed by all travelling past ru- Marilyn Kieffcr Evans! , U†..s MARTIN 7 Rick and Patty wel» come with love the binh of their daughter, Hayley Patricia. born alWingharn anti District Hospi- tal on Thursday. April 17. 1997. werghrng7lb. 1 oz. A Iittlesister for Caitlin and Chad. Spoiling privileges go tograndparenuloe and Helen Manin and Joe and Leona Schiestel of Tceswater. It's another bronze medal for Madill's ï¬gtne skating ace Jamie Vollmer. Jamie Vollmer of Tumberry Township continues to burn up theicewithhisï¬neskatingand two weeks ago was no excep- tion. Jamie amended what is brown in the skating world as 'Sectionals." These were held in Pickering with 13 young skaters from across Ontario compuing. Despite the fact Jamie was lilth to perform, which is the least favorable position to find oneself in. in competition. Jamie pulled off: bronze win, a com- bined win for both ï¬gures and free dance in the prenovice divi- sion. THE ELEMENTAHV AND BASIC LEVEL SKTERS in the Betrnore Figure Skating Club include. back row - Matthew Weishar, Karla Dickson. Caltlln Manin, Jordon Ross, Justin Weber; front row [Byron Horton. Travis Inglis, Michael Hoskins, Mitchell Kieiler. Brett McPherson - Photo by Dougla v- ‘1- --â€"â€"-..-, “work experience at S.H. school in Wingham -1, l '-.,-J‘ and new Ontario Surdent Records, attendance forms and regtsu-aâ€" trons. i am also dealing With the students and/or teachers who come into the ofï¬ce wrth prob‘ lcmx I feel that the Coâ€"op program is a wonderful way to get "hands on" cxpcricnce and helps in mak- ing the decrsron regurdrng a future Career. For me, working at Sacred nity to experience a hit of what it is like in he in the workforce. I recommend that anyone interested shouldjump attire chance to take Co-np. Heart has given me the UpporluA By Sandra Bush);