i i Wâ€"VW. fectionately called Grann the lovely bride in the photo. Mary Inglis and her lale husband, Austin Shields of Admaston were married in Bath Township on Aug 27, probably in l902. While the ye er hi the wedding, apparently, couldn't be readily recalled‘ Mrs Shields related many omer details without hesnation last Friday af- ternoon. “Married in blue and you‘ll always be true," She said in describing her wedding dress Attendants at her wedding were her Sister Barbara, who later married Frank White of Renlrew. and Jack Juby of Castlefurd, Mrs Shields also remembers her weddiru; reception held at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs L‘hnrles lnglis. 'l‘hey danced all night on an outside plnilurm built by her father for the Ut‘L’uSlUl’l. lowards morning il ya! su mild llie ground was L-uvoruil with fi ost. she said. Mr and Mrs Shields moved several lllllL':. once out west to Snskuiwn, whth raising live L-hildiui, Linwln, Canieion. inrr. Florence (Kippcn) and KY in l Hunnmni, A l'L‘blIlL‘lll ul Bunnouhere Muiiui. Mrs Sllll‘llb enjoys excellan IIL‘liilll llllil is involved in mail} suniui cilm‘ii :ir» Lovely bride in 1902 wedding Mrs Mary Shields, 3f. tlvities.Iastweekshetravelled to Campbell's Bay to play Shields by almost everyone is blnEDvWOH tWiCEtOOJhE 531d- Failing eyesight forced her to retire from the senior citizen bowling league last year Although she would never admit it Mrs Shields celebrated her 95m birthday last June 13‘ Sisters Agnes Warren, 86, and Mary Shields, 94, were two of the oldest bowlers ipresent at the senior citizens bowling banquet May 25. Mrs Warren received a attendance award and Granny Shields got the Oldest Bowler Trophy.