-6.. THE ARNPRIOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1865-1922 - continued **#**********#*****$*****:=x=*#*******#*$#***$*$# The principal amusement of the ViLlage being I: he "Penny Reading“ given once a fortnight in "The Old Town Hall", at the north west corner of Victoria and Hugh Streets. Mr. Slack was the leader and chief, and was ably assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bates, and Mr. Theodore Black". It also appears that the musical part of the programs was usually supplied by Mr.William Schofield (baritone), MrsJ/Iary Hubbell (contralto) , Miss Bella Lyon (alto) ,Mrs. George Graig (piano), Miss Margaret Dunbar (piano), Dr. Albert Armstrong (violin), Mr.Robinson Lyon (violin), and Mr. Archibald Garriock (flute). During the time that Mr. Black was Headmaster, Public Oral Examinations were held just before Christmas -- the examiners usually being Mr. Slack,the late Dr. J. G. Cranston, the Rev. D.J.McLean, B.A., Mr. George Craig, and Mr. William Russell. The prizes offered were nearly always books â€"â€" and the contests evoked the keenest kind of interest on the part of students, parents, trustees and the general public. For the year 1870, the prize winners were as follows: Virgil - William McGreary,Margaret McPhee and Claude McLachlin. Caesar - Malcolm Blakely,1da Burwash,Robert Bell. Senior Latin Composition- Margaret McPhee,Malcolm Blakely, Ida Bur-wash and William McCreary equal. Latin Grammar and Exercises - George Hubbell, John Lyon and Genevieve Blaisdell. Preparatory Latin - Lewis Bangs, John Rochester, Jane Neilson. Senior French - Margaret McPhee, Ida Burwash, William McCreary. Junior French- Malcolm Blakely, Lizzie Learmouth, William Peebles and Jane Neilson equal. Senior Arithmetic - George Hubbell, Margaret McPhee, John Lyon. Algebra - Malcolm Blakely, William Peebles,George Hubbell. Euclid - Malcolm Blakely, George Hubbell, William McCreary. Senior English Literature - Margaret McPhee Ida Burwash, William McCreary. Senior English Composition - William Peebles, Margaret McPhee,Malcolm Blakely. Dictation â€" Margaret McPhee,William McCreary, John Rochester, Ida Burwash, Margaret Whyte. Collier's British History - George Hubbell, Lizzie Learmonth, Claude McLachlin, Jane Neilson. Modern Geography - George _.lHubbell,John Rochester,claude McLachlin. Junior Arithmetic - John Rochester, William McCreary,Margaret Whyte,Junior English Literature - John Lyon, Jane Neilson, Electa Burritt. Junior English Com- position - Jane Neilson,John Rochester, John Lyon and John Bond equa1.Reading- (boys) â€" William McCreary, John Lyon, John Rochester. Reading (girls) - Margaret McPhee, Ida Eurwash, Harriett Young and Lizzie Learmonth equal. Writing (boys) - Malcolm Blakely,John Rochester,Robert Bell. Writing (girls) Margaret McPhee, Ida Burwash, Jane Neilson. In July 1871, Mr. Slack was appointed Inspector of Public Schools for South Lanark and went to Perth to live. m