o ' ~flv"-‘¢’441- -~;L,. -17- THE ARNPRIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1865-1922 - continued lusttirï¬ettttanxsawsatattt*8*a#****t*****t****t*t$ From September 1909 to October 1909, Miss Elvina May Cummer had charge of general junior work. She then accepted a position on the staff of the Walkerton High School,where she remained until December 1918. In January 1919 she went to the Dundee High School, and since September 1920 has been teaching Commercial work in the Oshawa High School. During November and December 1919,1415: Gunner's work was taken over by Mr.Edward Wade, B.Sc.,(McGill) , who "Held the fort“ until the Board of Education could find a teacher with the certificate demanded by the Department of Education. Mrdlade's students say that he filled the position admirably. Right here let us note the fact that a B card of Education often has great difficulty in finding the teachers who fits in with the conditions peculiar to Its school. Its members occupy positions of great responsibility, must be Judicious in the administration of public funds,and patient under the criticism of those who know nothing whatever about the large amount of time and thought devoted each year to the advancement of the educational interests of the community. The question of all questions is always that of the thoroughness and efficiency of the teaching, and lucky indeed is the B card which never makes mistakes in the selection of its teachers and is able to retain their services when they "have made good“. THOMAS EDWIN ADELEERT STANLEY During the months of November and December 1909 Mr.John Ferguson's work was taken over by T.E.A.Stanley,B.A. ,( Toronto) ,who proved such an excellent teacher that the Arnprior Board of Education tried hard to retain his services, but the attractive offer made by the Calgay Board decided him to follow Horace GreelyFB advice to "Go WestJoung man, and grow up with the Country". During January 1910, Mr.Miles Berguson had charge of the work in Mathematics but no further record has been found of him. From February 1910 to June 1910, Miss Elsie M.Wise,B.A.,(Tcronto),had charge. of the work in Mathematics, but it is not known where she went after leaving Arnprior. From September 1909 to June 1910,the work in English and Modems was taken over by Miss Lizzie C.Hanry,B.A.,(Queon's),who is a Specialist in French,German and History. After leaving here she was on the staff of the Parkhill High School until December 1912,|nd since then has been teaching in the Strathroy Collegiate Institute. From January 1910 to June 1911, the work of Science was taken over by Miss Mina Alexandra Ellis. Before coming here she had established an enviable reputation as Principal of the Pakenham Continuation School, and in this school also proved a most capable teacher. After leaving here she returned to Pakenham for a time, married Mr. T.C.Acres, and is now living in Ottawa. In June 1910 Mr.Mabee accepted a position on the staff of the Ottawa Collegie te Institute, and is new in charge of the classical Department of that famous Educational Institute, which has a staff of L8 experience teachers. /é