-15- THE ARNPRIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1865-1922 - Continued *swsswewsmemeswwewewwmasseuse“ From September to Secember 1901, Mr. Armon C.Spocner,B.A. ,(Queen‘s) took over Mr. Day's work in Modems and History. He then returned to Queen's U niversity to study Medicine; graduated as gold medallist in l905;practiced Medicine at Latimer, Ont., for a time and is now at Elma, Iowa. From January 1902 to December 1903, Miss Jessie Ann Mitchelll B.A., (Toronto),taught Modems and English subjects, and is described as "A forceful character, a strong teacher, and a stout champion of women's rights“: From January to June 1901., Mr.James Walter Hedley,M.A. ,(Toronto) ,took over Mr.Rudlen's work in Mathematics and Science. Before coming here he was Mathematical Master in the Lucan High School, and left to accept a similar position on the staff of the Ottawa Collegiate Institute. At present he is said to be on the staff of one of the Collegiate Institutes in Saskatoon, Sask. THOMAS HOBBS From September 1901. to April 1906, Mr. Thomas Hobbs, B.A.,(Toronto), a Specialist in Mathematics, taught Mathematics and Science (including Upper School Physics and Chemistry); leaving here to accept the Principalship of the Lucan High School, where he remained until 1909. He was then Principal at Gravenhurst for a couple of years, and since 1911has been Principal of the Harriston High School. His comment on the facilities for teaching Science here seventeen years ago 85 "There was a room which was called a "Science Room".but which could not be called a Laboratory,because no provision was made for individual experimental work by the pupils themselves". From September 1904 to October 1905, Miss Clara Ann Ward,B.A.,(Toronto), a Specialist in Modems, was a member of the teaching staff â€" leaving here to accept a more lucrative position in the St.Catherines Collegiate Institute. One of her former students enthusiastically describes her as "A dandy English teacher". and says that she is now in the Head Office of one of the large banks in Toronto. In December 1901., Mr. Morrow became Classical Master in the Salt Collegiate Institute, where he remained until June 1915. He was then Classical Master in the Saskatoon Collegiate Institute for four years, and is now in one of the large High Schools in Vancouver, B.C. GEORGE ELLIOTT MABEE From January 1905 to June 1910 the Principal of this School was Mr.George E.Mabee,B.A.,(Toronto) , a Specialist in Classics,French and German. Previous to coming here he was one of the writer's Assistant Masters in the Tillsonburg High School, where he taught Classics and English in a highly satisfactory manner. During the five and a half years that Mr.Mabee was Principal here,the attendance increased very rapidly, and it became necessary to build a large addition to the north side of the building erected in 1875. ML