-12- THE ARNPRIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1865-1922 - Continued *m***#***************************¥$**********# There were sixteen students in the Entrance Glass for 1881., and twenty in the Entrance class for 1885. Some of the 1885 entrance students distinguished themselves as follows: James G. Cranston graduated at Queen's in 1895, and for more than a quarter or a century practiced Medicine in Arnprior; George H. and John a Gillies are members of the lumber firm of Gillies Bros., Braeside, 01111.; James Rorison McLean is a graduate of both Queen's and McGill, and is the best known physician at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., whilst William McGie Young is a science graduate of McGill doing engineering work for the Water Rights Branch, at Victoria, B.C. The Entrance Glass admissions for 1866 were 21. students: 1887 - 38 students: 1888 - 28 students: 1889 - 20 students; 1890 - 26 students. The 1890 admissions included James A. Charbonneau who became a Dental Surgeon in Lanark, Ontario; O.S.Finnie a Civil Engineer in the employ of the Department of Mines, at Ottawa; George Harold Moles an Insurance Agent in Amprior and a member of the Board of Education, and Neil S. Robertson has a well known stock farm just east of Arnprior. From September to December 1890, Mr. Corbett‘s Second Assistant Master was Mr. Timothy W‘. Shine,who held a "First Class" certificate. .‘The only information that can be obtained after leaving here is that "He was a rover,and after a career that carried him all over the continent, died some years ago. WILLIAM BARCLAY CRAIG The seventh Principal was Mr. William Barclay Craig, B.A. (Queen's); who was here from January 1881.. to June 1891 as Mr. Corbett's First Assistant, and then promoted to the position of Principal. He was the son of the late Mr. (George Craig, a pioneer of the town and an active member of the Board of Education for more than forty years; also a brother of Mr. Justice Craig, of Toronto and of Mr. David Craig, of Arnprior, who has followed the example of his worthy father and is a much interested member of the Board of Education. One of Mr. Barclay Craig's associates says "He was a fine English and classical scholar, a born teacher and an ideal school master. Although a strict discipflinarian, yet he was kindly withal, and took a real deep interest in the welfare of those he taught, and was much respected and beloved by his pupils". One of his former students describes him as a man of fine appear ance,vigorous physique, fond of curling, interested in the boys' sports and drill, and a great lover of music.