-10- THE ARNPHIOR GRMEMAR SCHOOL 1865-1922 - Continued *Ak*******#***********$***=F***#*****#>k**#*x<*=k*** From January 1878 to December 1879, Mr. Macnab's Assistant Master was Mr.Joh.u Fawcett,who was the choice of fifteen applicants for the position, and who was paid an initial salary of $500.. During the two years he was here, he did excellent work; r esigning to accept the position of Assistant Master in the Almonte High School. Later on he taught in the Carleton Place High School; lived in Winnipeg for a time; studied Medicine; and had a good practice in Grand Forks, Dakota, until the time of his death ‘two or three years ago. From January to October 1880, Mr.Macnab"s Assistant Master was Mr.T.R.Craig, who is described as Wery Clever,a beautiful singer, wouldn't take 'back talk' from anyone, had a great old classroom fight with one of the larger boys whose‘ father was on the Board, 'talked sassy to the whole blooming Board' and was promptly'fired'. Rumour has it that he was afterwards a member of the Ilominion House of Commons, but no confirmation of this has been found. ARCHIBALD BYRON MACALLUM From October 1880 to December 1880, the Assistant Master was Mr.A.B. Macallum, B.A. who had graduated from the University of Toronto that spring, and left Arnprior to accept a more lucrative position on the staff of the Corn- wall High School, where he remained for three years. He then did Post-graduate work at John's Hopkins University,Baltimore,Maryland. In 1887 he was Lecturer at the University of Toronto, and in 1889 obtained his M.E.degree. From then until 1918 he was one of the ablest Professors of Medicine at the University of Toronto. His great scholarship is indicated by the fact that he holds the degrees of 3.11. ,M.A. ,and M.B. from the University of Toronto: Ph.D from John's Hopkins; Sc.D., from Yale and Dublin; L.L.D. from Aberdeen and McGill; and is also a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1918 the Dominion Government appointed him Administrative Ghairman of the Honourary Council for Industr ial and Scientific Research. In 1920 Dr. Macallum was appointed Professor of Biochemistry at McGill University, and in March 1921 was granted seven months leave of absence to take charge of the Medical College established by the Rockfsller Foundation at shanghai, China. EDWARD CHARLES ARTHUR From January 1881 to December 1882, Mr.Macnab's Assistant Master was Mr. E.C.Arthur, B.A.(Victoria), who did excellent work during the two years he was here. In 1883 Mr.Arthur obtained his M.A.degree from Victoria; in 1888 graduated in Medicine; and for many years has lived in Nelson, B.C. During the Great War he was with the overseas forces, and upon his return to Canada was appointed Inspector of Military Hospitals in British Columbia.