-9- THE ARNPRIOR GRAWJAR SCHOOL 1865-1922 - Continued amweawawrws*Mmewmtmnn*wx‘mwwssws In December 1877 Mr. Middleton resigned from the Principalship and went into business as a general merchant at the south west corner of Madawaska and John Streets and later became a member of the Arnprior Board‘ of Education. After leaving here he lived in the Province of Saskatchewan for a number of years, where he died about a year ago. A: list of the first thirty students admitted to the Amprior Grammar School was given a few pages back, and it would be a matter of great int crest to have a complete list of all who attendEd during the first forty years or so. This, however, is impossible because the Attendance Registers for the first sixteen years are not available. In such a “Short History" as this, the space at our disposal will not permit of any extended notice of the subsequent careers of graduates of the School, but an occasional short note will be made regarding a few of them. John Fenton Argue afterwards graduated in Medicine at McGill and became a famoub surgeon; Blakely graduated in Arts at McGill, and has been a Pr esby- terian Minister for more than forty years; Burwash is one of the leading lawyers in Arnprior; Carss was a lawyer in Regina, Sask. for several years before his death; Garstairs is a graduate in Arts from the University of Toronto, and is Principal of one of the large Public Schools in Toronto; David Craig has a good flour milling business of his cm in Arnprior, is our Police Magistrate and is a member of the Board of Education;Garrioch is in business in Ottawa; Graham is Head Bookkeeper for McLachlin Bros., and Secretary-Treasurer of the Arnprior Hoard of Education; Houston graduated from Trinity, became an Anglican Clergyman, and for many years was Canon H: ouston of Cornwall; William Johnston is Manager of the Harris Abbatoir in Toronto; Ledger-wood is a builder and contractor in Chicago; McCreary became Mayor of Winnipeg, and a Member of the House of Gommons at Ott awa;whilst Claude McLaughlin and his brother Hugh took over and managed the lumber business established by their father, the late Daniel McLachlin. FINDLAY FERGUSON MACNAB The fourth Principal of this school was Mr. F.F.McNab,B.A., whose term of office extended from January 1878 to December 1882. In May 1859 he graduated from Queen's University, and on the let of June 1859 became the first Headmaster of the Renfrew Grammar School, at a salary of £150 per annum. The other applicants at that time were Mm'I‘homas Rowe,of Smith's Falls, and Mr.J.Lorne McDougall,Jr., of Toronto - the latter becoming Auditor General of Canada from 1878 to 1905. In October Mr.Macnab resigned his position at Renfrew and during the next seventeen years held the responsible positions of Principal in the High Schools at Picton, L'Orignal and Carleton Place - the last named school being established in 1851;. At the time of his appointment as Principal of this school, Mr.Macnab was the Board's choice of twenty applicants and his initial salary was $800.