-7- "Madam President, Fellow Members of the Women's Institute: There was one interesting fact which the roll call failed to produce, which was that Canada is the land, is the greatest land of generosity and kindness. Thank you a thousand times for my lovely purse, and you did not forget to put a cent in it, which is most important. But it is a perfect purse, and as you see, goes perfectly with my dress. I shall wear it a great deal and I shall always keep it as a souvenir of this perfectly lovely and delightful occasion. "I listened with great interest to your debate to-day, and one or two things came into my head, which are rather amusing. One is a story about what happened to myself. I was very anxious to become a voluntary organizer and I went away to have training, and I made very great friends with some one else who was doing the same. As the course drew to a close, we said, 'I suppose our homes are all right'. We thought that the woman's place was in the home. When I got home, I found His Excellency in an unheated library in his dressing gown, the servants having completely forgotten to warm the house in my absence. I got a letter the next day from my friend, who found the cook had left and her husband had guffered a severe hunting accident, and was left with no one to care for in. "Another rather amusing thought that came to me while you were speaking, that is the two of the greatest dressmakers that Paris ever produced were both men. Have I ever heard of a woman designing men's clothes? That is rather funny. When they can design our clothes, why cannot we make better men's trousers, jackets, etc? "But now for a moment to be a little more serious. I want to tell you how extraordinarily happy I am to be here and how much at home I feel. Our Institutes teach us such worth-while things, and always makes one feel at home in any country. The Women's Institute brings together women from all stations in life, religions and policies, in a manner we did not think possible before. I would like to remind you we have an Institute Member coming to Canada next year, one who in in the most respected position in the world-â€"I refer of course to Queen Elizabeth. It is nice to know that she shares our wishes and hopes. I believe she is a Member of two Institutes--one in England and one in Scotland. She and Queen Mary have always taken an enormous interest in Institutes. Queen Mary always went to one at Sandringham. It is very nice to feel that we all enter together into this great movement, and that she enjoys the Institute as much as we do. "One of the nicest things are the things we do together. Sometimes after our speaker has gone, at home in my own Institute, we sit by the fire and we talk about all the funny things that happened;such as the time I took some one else's eggs by mistake and managed to smash them; or the time when some one was going to play Juliet and felt so sick with stage fright she had to be given brandy. After all it is the recollection of things that binds us all together. It is one's memories that binds people together. "There is one more thing I would like to talk to you about for a few minutes. It has been so much in our minds lately. The subject of peace. There was never a time in history when so many rumours were flying about. I am sure you are much too level-headed to believe every- thing. I know that you are all very busy women and have a great deal to do, but if we are to be of support to our men, we must close our eyes to gossip which is not true. I feel it very strongly that it is our contribution towards peace. It is the feeling and tempo of the country which counts in crises. I am saying this to myself, as much as to you. I have the greatest possible admiration for the work which you are doing, for your homes and country, and that you are giving delightful chances of learning things,by the lectures made possible through the Women's Institute. M