Mrs. if improved on. Look at any hotel in the world, any golf club, any hunting lodge, any resort, any club, are the cooks women? No-- Are the stewards women? No. The hangings, rugs, furniture, cleaning, repairing, arranging, laundry buying of food, serving of food, running the domestic end of the establishment, all done by men. "The greatest chefs in the world are men, why raise your hands in horror at a man doing the domestic and of a house? If he can earn his living at it, he can make his home a heaven with it. His knowledge of materials, dyes, preservation of woods, furnishings, food stuffs, budgeting, buying, etc. will all add the most essential thing in a man's private 11fe--a happiness and content born of a smoothly run establishment, because a home is an establishment, so by all means teach a course in Household Science to men. '‘And in answer to our opponents point about the macaroni and cheese. It occurred to me just then, that perhaps if Wellington had been making this dish-â€"there would have been no necessity for a battle, he would proï¬zbly have been surrounded by the two armies ready to help eat it up." t nk vou. Arthur Glenn, the second speaker for the negative, spoke as follows:- "As second speaker of the negative in this debate, I feel that I should congratulate our worthy opponents on the splendid defence they have made of their subject. is a matter of fact, it did not occur to me, and I'm sure it did not occur to my colleague or even to this audience, that such sound and serious arguments could be found to support a cause which seemed so amusing on the surface. "However, we maintain that they may be overstressing not the lack of such training for men, as the lack of it for women. Rather than teach domestic science to men , the present course in domestic science should be extended so that every woman, no matter what she intends to do with her life should be taught the course. How many of these sad cases so graphica 1y described by our tender-hearted opponents, could have been avoided by the efficient economical labour saving health saving manage- ment of the wife. Illness is often times caused by bad digestion-â€" bad digestion results from poorly cooked or poorly chosen foods. Poorly cooked or poorly chosen foods come from an inefficient manager and cook. The condition of many of these homes could be much improved, if the wife right from the beginning of her married life had been able to manage a budget, buy food, cook food, keep her house in order, and tastefully decorated at little expense. No. Madam Chairman, it is not the man, it is all women who should be taught domestic science. "A course in domestic science is expensive to conduct. Equipment is dear and much of it is needed. Now how much better to teach the youth of our country the teades, handicraft, machine shop work, mechanics, etc. and fit every graduate to turn his hand to something to make a living. He 6631a do the office job, the designer's job or any job that the women in his house do now, and he could be the wage earner. He could be the provider and he wouldn't be reduced to the position of nursemaid and cook in the household in which he should have the more dignified and responsible position for a man-- the head of his family. "I take it for granted that this learned audience shares the awful knowledge that a man who does any job well is the world's greatest critic. I'm afraid our well meaning opponents know not what they are letting the housewife in for. A man knowing the ins and outs of household management would make life completely unbearable for his wife-- he would check her budget, criticize the food, the furniture, the colour scheme, the baby's formula, the curtains, the ru 5, My word what wouldn't he criticizei. He'd be the high and mighty crit c of everything.Remember-- it is not that my honourable colleague and myself dislike men--we have no /0