\J\-5 ARKWRIGHT SCHOOL â€" S. S. No. 6. ARRAN In 1856 a meeting was held in the Arkwright hotel to form a school board. The Arran Derby Union School was built in Invermay. Arkwright's earliest school was a hewed log building with a cottage roof. It was not exactly on the site of the present building. Some say it was below the hill, at the edge of the swamp, on Mathew McAulie‘s farm; others claim it was only a very short distance to the east. even in what is now the present grounds. The desks were wide boards fastened to the wall. while long benches. which the children had to step over, served as seats. Among the early teachers were Mrs. Woodside, Mr. Edward Lunn (1865). John Jameson, Mr. Wm. Harron, and later Mr. S. G. King. who held the position for twenty years. In 1888. his salary was $475. The present building was erected in 1902. The following teachers have been the instructors since then: Mr. Amos Cain, A. McKenzie (1906). George McLelland (1907). Alex Vance (1908), Miss Grace Moor (1909). Miss Ethel Eveleigh (1910). Charles Raymond (1912). Miss E. Hunt (1912). Miss M. J. Jackson (1912), Edna Hunt (1912â€"13),Mrs. Charles Ridden, Miss K. Robb (1913â€"19), Miss J. S. MCGregor (1914â€"15), Kate Haverson (1917â€"18). Edna S. Robinson, Florence Bailey (1918), Hazel V. Corbett (1919â€"22), Hazel E. Thompson (1922â€"25). Barbara Trelford (1925â€"27). Gladys Brunton (1927â€"30), Vera Hogarth (1930â€"31), Nettie Middleton (1931â€"35), Beatrice Scott (1935â€"38), Ruth Krompart (1938â€"90), Flora McCulloek (1990â€"91). Lloyd Sippell (1941â€"42), Margaret (Mrs. Harold) Simpson (Sept. 17, 1942â€"Jan. 8, 1959). Mrs. R. A. Carson (Jan.â€"June, 1959), L. Lyons (1959â€"60). Meredith Boblander (1961-62), Jacob Redekopp (1962â€"69). Mrs. Flora Chisholm (nee Flora MeCulloch, who taught in 1940â€"h1) is the present (1965) teacher commencing in September 1964. Roy Holnes was named Secretaryâ€"Treasurer of the school board in January. L943, succeeding Mr. James Fletcher. The Board included Messrs. Victor Thompson, John Cann, Grant Galbraith, W. A. Barclay, while Mr. Holmes continued as Secretary~Treasurer. In January, 1946, the School Area Board for Arran Township was elected. Members were Russell Wagner (chairman). Charles Speer, John Sim, Norman Byers. Clifford Strong, Eldon Nicholson (Secretaryâ€"Treasurer).