Bobliu WI, Lennox/Addiug‘lon This Branch has kept active at a number of different projects in the last year: donating the history book, For Home and Country, to their local school library to be used by the Grade 8 students as the basis of an essay; knitting 520 squares for Zambia; contribut- ing $220 to the Uganda Project and $200 to the Headquarters Fund; donating towards the local cemetery upkeep; and, remembering the elderly and those in need during the holi» days. Northumberltmd West WI This District has established an awareness project in Northumberland West. Each ofthe six Branches are given six large pocket post- ers in which smaller brochures can be displayed. They distribute them around their communities to help overcome the ageâ€"old question - "What is the Women‘s Institute?" During a Northumberland Mall awareness day. this District conducted a survey of local women's involvement in non-profit organi- zations. Slate River W1, Thunder Bay This Branch has recently donated to the following causes: $500 to the FWIO Head- quarters Fund. $500 to the Paipoonge Museum, $200 to the Valley Central School, $200 to the Paipoonge First Response Team. and $100 for trees and flowers for the Stanley Hill Cemetery. The Iron Bridge Women '5 Institute is pictured above making a quilt for a local lamin who lost their home to ï¬ne, They usually have one on hand to help those lamilies in need. Submitted By Mary Vazeuu. Irmbrlnga wt, Alooma East. 14 Home 5 Country, Summer ’97 Cross Country Calendar Prescott District WI The third annual combination Euchre and Bridge Night. along with a bake sale. was a great success, Proceeds of $412 will be do» hated to the FWIO Headquarters Fund. All seven Branches in the District > Cassbum, Green Lane, Hillview, Lookout Bay, Plan- tagent, Stardale, Sunshine - participated, bringing lunches and prizes. Members also donated the baking. Browns WI, Didord North As of February. 1997, this Branch had sent 1,438 squares to Zambia and was still knit- ting, Each spring. they sponsor a Charity Euchre Luncheon. The Cancer Society re- ceives half of the proceeds with the remaindergoing to another worthwhile char- ityi This year. the Schizophrenia Society also beneï¬ted, Bear Creek WI, Lomhlon North This Branch hosted an educational meeting at the OMAFRA building in Petroliai About 80 members from Lambton North, Centre and South came to hear Doreen Pearson. from the Twyford Branch in Hampshire. England. She spoke aboutEnglish village life and the Women’s Institute. A humourous and educational skit, written by Maxine Miner. was presented by the Warwick Branch. Members of the Pine Ridge Wt in Simcoe Centre District recently honoured one of their charter mem- bers, Ha 29! Campbell. Hazel has held most positions at the Era rich level and is pleased that her daughter. Lorne Webb, is Ihe new Branch President Submitted by Betty Woolhead. Past President. Pine Hinge WI. Simeoe Centre. Two members of the Ontario North District Education Committee, Doreen Brethour (front left) and Corinne Croxall (lront right), assisted by Betty Dairymple from Ihe local Quilters Guild, taught some of the techniques of line applique and a quick method a! assembling pieced blocks called “Courthouse Steps, " 771a app/[quad blocks were beautllully stitched by T7 participants at the workshop. The quilting was later done by Distn'at me bars and lnonds, Marion Warren (standing, left), District President, 9 Jean Mallet (standing, n'ghl), District Treasurer, are also pictured aha . sum-rinse by Doreen Erethouv. PRO. Ontario North.