Board Briefings August, 1997 inner speakers at the FWIO Board of Directors meeting in Ironbndge included Ted Linley. Reeve oflronbridge. Bud Wildman. MPP forAlgoma. and Brent St. Denis, MP for the riding of Little Current. All three politicians addressed the topic of lobbying to get action on issues. All three noted the importance of personal contact, meeting elected representatives face-to- face to discuss concerns. Mr. Linley encouraged the Women‘s Institutes to talk to municipal governments and to local school boards. He stated. “The Women‘s institutes need more than ever to be guardians of society. to be a watchdog in all areas.“ He also warned that “volâ€" untcers burn out; be careful in how much you do." Short, signed. well-thought out letters can also be effective. according to Mr. Linlcy. Bud Wildman added that personal let- ters are effective because they indicate that the sender has con- sidered the topic. thought out the issue and expects a response to her concern. He noted that form letters are not very effective, whether hand-written or me- chanically reproduced. Petitions are generally inel'fec» tive as well. because they may be signed in a hurry. just to get rid of the petitioner. Mr. Wildman noted that telephone calls are also less effective than letters. Both Wildnian and St. Denis encouraged the WI to send a delegation regularly to parlia- ment to meet with as many political representatives as possi- ble. The delegation should focus on two or three issues â€" prepare 4 Home a Country. Fall '97 briefs and summarize them briefly â€" to start a dialogue. Briefs need to be clear. concise and constructive in their criti- cism, providing possible alternatives to issues. Mr. St. Denis stressed the importance of regularly scheduled meetings with politicians â€" preferably yearly. to develop a routine and a relationship. It is most impor- tant to keep pushing to get resolutions passed: the Women‘s Institute should not give up at the ï¬rst rejection of an idea. A guest speaker from Bell Canada. Kim McCann. also joined August Board to discuss changes to the rural telephone and billing systems A heartfelt thank you to Bell for their $200 donation towards the Tuesday luncheon. INFORMATION ITEMS Program Coordinator: lnlormation Kits aboutthe tourgroups FWIO has pannered with (see Notes truth the Program Coordinator's column [on page 8) lot more details on these partnerships) were made available to Area Program Coordinators. As well. a new lorm was made available at August Board lor Branches. Dis» trials and Areas to lill out regarding theirrnvolvement With these lourdil- lerent organizations, Ask your Board Director lot a copy. Public Relations: During the Hamil- ton Convention. there was diverse media coverage . newspapers (Chicago Tribune, Montreal Gazette. Hamilton Spectator. Western Producer. Vmca ol the Farmer). televrsion (Cable 14. ONTV) and radio (Radio Canada International). Many thanks to Lynn Lodge ol Arkell who worked long hours in the media room and olfice during the Convention She wrote the two-page Convention news re- lease which was distributed across Ontario (225 copies) and made sure it was available to all the piovrnces belora they lelt the Convention Membership Coordinator: Please note ~ the Branch lormed in the Sim- coe Area as reported in the Summer 1897 Home 8 Countryhas changed theirname slightly, lrom West Shore Centennial to West Shore. Conlerence '98: Conlerence '98 Will be held at Loyalist College in Belleville lrorn July 3 to 5. 1993. Watch lor more details in lulure issues. Constitution Committee; This Comâ€" mittee attended a workshop on July 7 lacititated by Stuart Budd and Bon- nie O'Neill ol the Ontario Ministry oi Agriculture. Food and Rural Allairs. The outcome was an outline for an updated. clear and concise. "user- lriendlf Constitution/Handbook. A completion date or the cost has not yet been ï¬nalized. Input is welcome lrom all members, Convention '97: Almost 800 people attended the lull Convention lrom June 17 to 221.449 gobbled up the loud at the Gage Park outdoor cele- bration: and. 1,950 sat down to the international Dinner at the Armour- ies. The Financial Statement is not yet complete. but the books will be audited and included with FWIO‘s Annual Frnancral Report to the No- vember meeting. A linal Convention '97 Report will be forthcoming at the annual meeting. History Book Committee: Chair Jane Croft reported that A Guide [or Group DISEUSS/Uns compiled by Mary James is intended to lacilitate discussion at the content of For Home and Country: The Centennial History at the Women’s Institutes in Ontario. She noted that it "is a well- executed, stimulating exercise and a wonderful way to encourage our members to really think about WI." Copies ol the Guide can be purchased from the FWIO Provrncial Ollice tor $3 (includes shipping and handling) Havrng completed their task ol producing a Centennial Hise tory. this Committee will be dissolved and the sale oi the book will become the responsrbility ol the FWIO Marketing Committee. Marketing Committee: The Market- ing Committee met to develop a unilorm policy lor the sale of items lrorn the Provincial Ollice. Currant pricmg ol items were reviewed to ensure that the cost ol the product, taxes. shipping and handling and the creation at any original artwork and dies were bailt in. A list oi this Committee's responsrbilities was approved by August Board. Junior Women's Institutes: Rem. sentatives from nine oi the ten Jwi Branches lelt that “Working To. gather Shaping Tomorrow's World†organization. As a JWI lund raism project. logo pens are in the works JWI will be distributing 2.000 copies of the Pharmaceutical Manufactur‘ ers Association at Canada booklets. Knowledge is the best medicine. A “news†release kit and video has been ordered tor each Branch. November Annual Meeting: The FWIO Annual Board Meeting Will be held at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall lrom November 19 to 21. 1997 Wednesday. November 20 is open to all members. To register contact Faith Nelms at (613)258-3055: the deadline is October 29. 1997. is a great vision statement for 1h. FINANCIAL DISCUSSIONS Lynn Ruigrok, FWIO Executive Assisv tam/Bookkeeper. provided a statement ol receipts and disburse ments. outlined the cash position 01 the organization as ol June 30. in cluded an investment summary and an explanation oi all designated lunds. She was asked to look into the lollowing motion: that FWlOcon- tact Revenue Canada to expand their present charitable status t cover all donations. D Under the Chair. Joe Ann Lane. ther was considerable discussion about the member at large on the Finance Committee (see page 5 tor qualitica- tions). This is an elected position. Applicants must provide a presen tation at the annual meeting. Applications are due November I. The Finance Committee recommen- dation to support the Ontario 4-H Foundation as a charter member was carried. as were the linance related Notices of Motion as outlined on page 5 nlthe Summer 1 997 issue at Home A} Country. The proposed 19974993 Budgets were accepted. l....________..._..__â€".-â€"â€"--| 7% GST on Subtotal = illl0 Tartan for Sale Place your order based on the following: Metres: x $60.00 = Shipping/Handling = Subtotal = $5.00 Total = Mail your order and cheque payable to the FWIO to the Provrnctal Oflice at 7382 Wellington Rd. 30, RR 5. Guelph ON L N1H 6J2, Phone: (51 ems-3073. Fax: (519)836-9456.