Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring 1999, p. 6

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Board Briefings Feb. 25, I999 The FWIO Board of Directors turned to gather on February 25 for an early morning teleconference. FWIO President Arthena Hacker welcomed Board to this new mode at communications. but rev minded them that more “lace-loâ€"tace' meetings were required. especralty during this year ol transition Provincial Positions Nominations are needed tor a number at provinctal level positions: President-Elect I to be elected at Board . applications available trorn FWIO Pro- vrncral Oiiice - applications to be lorwarded lo the Provincial Ollice immediately alter Area Convention Board Directors -ooe from each oi the 4 regions ~ to be elected at Board v applications available irom FWIO Proâ€" vtnctal Office - deadline ior submisston to the Provin- cml Olttcots Sept 30 Education Coordinator - to be elected at Board 0 applications available liom FWIO Pro- vtntial Otiice - deadline tor submiSSIori lo the Provtn» CIEII Oiiiuo IS Sept. 30 Provincial Advisory Councillors (plus. Altemntes) - tor SubdivtSioris 20‘ 2‘ it 26 I to be elected at Area Conventions For too descriptions ot the above posr- lions contact the Provtnctal Ollice or revtuw the Fall l99l3 issue of the Home E Country, pages i to Vlll \‘VI Week While the idea ol .1 provrnctal proclama- lion oi WI Week by the Premier passed the lust reading in the House oi Commons last December. there was not enough time tor the second and third readings This initiative wtll continue to be pursued by the provrncial level 01 FWIO Newsletter Mailings All Provtnctal Advtsory Councrttois. Pro- vincial Coordinators and the Board oi Directors Will be mailed a copy 0' the Home at Country newsletter ti Norrie & (ountry, Spring "99 Membership Cards The 159E1999 membership cards are valid until June 30 oi the year. New meni- bershipcardstor 1999-2000 Will be issued as lee payments are received. ACWW 2001 The CoChairs at “to Canadian planning committee. Arthena Hacker and Christine Fieabum. were given Board approval in November 1998 to hire a CoordinatoriNe- gotiator tor the ACWW Conference to be held in Hamilton, Barbara Eastman-Lewrn comes to this posrtion with much valuable experience and has already met With the Convention Centre stall in Hamilton. in addition to the Co-Chairs. other members at what will be known as the Canadian Coordinating Committee tor ACWW 2001 have been appointed They are as iollows: Secretary - Anne Dyas Treasurer - Winnilred Mann Program - Joan Playle Publictty - Mary Janes Reception - Katherine Garwood Registration - PatOzsvari Displays 3 Sales - Donna Russell Tours ‘ Jane Baynton Pie-Conlerence Workshops - Glenna Smith Board [0 Tour Lee Home Prior to the start at their April meeting the FWIO Board at Directors wrll tour the Eitand Lee (Museum) Home, While all but two ot the Directors have been to the Lee Home. the trip will also provtde an oppor» tuniry for discussion between the Lee Committee and the Board MOTIONS - That FWtO go ahead With a linger Sign to be installed on Wellington County Road 30 directing people to the FWIO ProvrnCIal Ollice The cost ol 3 bill- board installed at an appropriate location on Highway 401 to advertise the Women's Institute wtll be investi- gated - That three CUHEHI copies oi the Em» ploymant Standards booklet be purchased tor the FWIO Provincial Ol» rice. the Presrdenl and the Board at Directors And that a current copy ol the Income Tax Act relating to charities and the Wodimen‘s Compensation Act be purchased lot the Provrncial Ollice - That the Erland Lee (Museum) Home accept the sponsorship of a Museum brochUre by the E!) Smith Company. That the position at Board Director Alternates be eliminated in the struc‘ ture oi the Women's Institute organization eilective at the 1999 arr nual meeting. And that the Board at Directors appoint an Alternate lrorn the same region it required. That a notice be printed in the Home & Country that Branches. Districts and Areas be asked to send inlorrnalion on items they have torsan to Anne Dyes, in order that she can maintain a list to be made available to members That the recommendation to consider address labels tor members as a pro viriciat lurid raiser be turned over lathe Marketing Committee to investigate as a sale item. That the Public Relations Coordinator be asked to investigated-to recommen- dation to arrange an interview by Allan Gregg oi Gregg A Company on Studio 2. TV Ontario. with Dr. Linda Ambrose to promote the FWIO history book For Home and Country. That FWIO notity their current insur- anca company that they are cancelling their Fidelity Bond insurance because the application to apply ior such insur- ance is considered an invasion oi privacy. Thatti'te Royal Agrimltural Winter Fair (RAWF) Booth Committee consider the recommendation to aska d'rtlerent WI celebrity (ie. author ot For Home and Country, FWIO President. Curator oi the Erland Lee (Museum) Home etc.) to be present in the Booth ever. day or every other day as budget Wt allow, That the motion that FWIO have a oombined yearly provincial conlerenoe and annual meeting beginning in 1999 be rescinded trorn the August 1998 Board Minutes. That Rosemary Moran and Donna Russell be thanked tor attending the Women â€" Our Vote Counts" meeting, and that they will not be asked to represent the Women's Institute or» ganization at future meetings. That Rosemary Moran and Donna Russell be paid mileage tor attending the above mentioned meeting. That FWIO not renew their membership to AGCare nor send rep- resentation to AGCare meetings tor a period at one year; the decision to be evaluated at this point That FWIO proceed with prorated tees tor new Branch members and Associate members as outlined. For New Members .Only: Did you know that new members fees are distributed as follows?: FWIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 52.00 Erland Lee Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.60 ACWW ......................... $0.25 Liability insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.30 Total . . . , . 518.15 Afterlhe regular feesuhmission to the District, this is the amount per new member that each Branch should be sending to the Provincial Office. Pro-rated Fees for New Brunch Members Joining the WI: The amount forwarded to the Provincial Qfficefor new members will vary depending on when. new members join your Branch. Branch Secretaries and Treasurers please take note of the follow- ing dates and fees: Between these dailies . . . . . . . . . . . . You pay Apr.30â€"Juty31.. . . . . . . . . $18.15 Aug.1-0co31... .. 513.50 Nov. 1 - Jan. 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . L. . . . 59.00 Feb. ‘I Wear End . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . $4.50 Pro-rated Fees for New Associate Members to lire'Wi: Between these-dates ., . Apr.3o-iutyai........;.. Aug.1-Oct.31 . Nov.l-lari.31 ..,. Feb.1-Year£nid

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