Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall 1999, p. 4

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BOARD BRIEF INGS August 23-24, I999 ‘Wim the Health Program Launch happen- ing this atrernoon, it's an exciting time lor us all.‘ remarked FWIO President Anhena Hacker as she opened the August Board Meeting Jane Cooper. 3 WI member lrorn the Eastern Region, wrote a proposal and presented it to the Sale 5 Healthy CommuA nitias Committee. Alter much work and linal approval by the Board the proposal was presented to the Minister at Health Hecker commended those involved in the origin and launch or the Health Program. Noting a busy agenda, Hecker took the time to introduce the recently hired Health Program Coordinator and FWIO Fund Raiser With a background in specral event planning With an emphasis on health and wellness, Health Program Coordinator Kelly Marshall believes the Health Program to be a "great opportunity tor the organizer» [tort ' Mike Paquei. Fund Raiser tor FWIO, has experience he lping nonprolit organize» lions and is looking lorward to working wrth the Women's Institute. and he “promrses results ' Watch Ior their proiiles in the Win- ter 1999 2000 issue oi the Horned Country newsletter Financial Statement/Budget There was detailed discussmn oi the Finan- cial Statement and the Proposed Budget tor the upcoming tiscal year. 1993-2000. Shir- ley Glcadall. Chair ol the Budget Committee, reported a balanced budget tor FWIO lor the second year in a row She noted that this was largely due to two taclors - changes in attitude and ottice manage. ment Gleadall also happity reported that the 535.000 earned In interest on the Head- quaners Fund was not used in the pievrous tiscal year and was added to the Fund princrpal. Several recommendations Item the Budget Committee were approved by the Provrncral Board A Home a. tummy, Full '99 __â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" Program Reports: ______â€"- Expanded Health Education Program For an introduction to the Health Program read the trout cover article at the Summer 1999 issue ct Home E Country. Health Pro gram Coordinator Kelly Marshall is wotki ng to organize WI training programs to pro- mote health education lcir WI members and their communities. Currently, FWIO has established partnerships with tour health-related organizations ‘ Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP). Osteoporosis Society at Canada (05C), Community Abuse Pro gram at Rural Ontario (CAPRO) and Canada's Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies. The Victorian Order ol Nurses (VON), Heart Health and other organiza- tions are also interested in coming on line. Watch tor more inlormation about this great opportunity to learn more about women's health issues in the Winter 1999- 2000 issue at Home 5 Country. A Grandmother's Legacy Have you honoured the otdesl member (in age. not years ol membership) oi your Branch during this Intemalional Year at Order Persons? It not. lonward the name at youreldest member to the FWIO ProVincial Ollioe as soon as possrble. FWIO will send a copon For Home and Country: The Centennial History or the Women‘s institutes in Ontario to each Branch who particrpates in this project. FWIO has recerved specral tunding avait» able Item the Ontario Government during the Intemalional Year at Older Persons tor the cost and distribution at the history books. The book is to be presented to the oldest member at a special tunclion. Per- haps several neighbouring Branches could join together to organize a special tea or luncheon" There are only hive stipulations. The iirsl is that the presentation occur this year - 1999 - during the International Yearot Older Persons. The other is that the membercho- sen must prepare what Will be known as ‘A Grandmother‘s Legacy,’ or a story ol their tile (1 to 2 pages only). This personal story could be obtained wrth the assistance from the Tweedsmurr Curator or a tarnily mem bet, and then added to the Tweedsmuir History. Take advantage at this great opportunry to honour your oldest member. Invite your MPP to make the presentation and help raise the prairie ol the WI. See the notice and Ietterol explanation lhatwasmailed to your Branch. and send the FWIO Provincral Ottrce Hie necessary inIorrnation today! PHONEBUSTERS Following a Board decision last November. FWIO has partnered with PHONEBUS- TERS. an arm at the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) (see page 3 ol the Summer 1995 Home a Country). Established in 1993. PHONEEIUSTERS is dedicated to educating the Canadian public about the dangers cl telemarketing, especially sen- iors who represent about 60 “lo oi victims. PHONEBUSTERS is encouraging Branches to work in cooperation with local olficials. including the police. bankers and health workers. to increase public aware- ness about this growing problem, PHONEBUSTERS is coming to the Western Region this tall. from mid-Septem- ber to mid-November. And then to the Soulhem and Northern Regions next year. Watch tor dates and locations in your area. Ask your PAC memberor look on the FWIO web site: wwwtwioonca In the mean time, Just Hang Up! Other Reports: Lobbying Anne Dyes, the Lobbying Coordinator, tor- warded written documentation on the lollowing resolutions which were sustained: - That FWIO request the Federal Govem- merit oi Canada to immediately grant surviving members 0! the World War II Canadian Merchant Marine all monetary compensation tor benefits denied them over the intervening years. 0 That FWIO request the Federal Minister at Health to enact legislation that re- qurres any loud products containing genetically altered components be clearly labelled in order that consumers can make an informed choice. Public Relations Public Relations Coordinator Carol Hellen- stein reported sending press releases via email to a numberotdaity and weekry news- papers, Iami magazines and radio and TV stations. Press releases have promoted FWIO initiatives. including PHONEBUSv TERS. the Health Program and the Excellence in Agriculture Award. Canadian Tire Money Enough Canadian Tire Money was col- [acted to purchase a TV and VCR tor the Errand Lee (Museum) Home. Curator Michael Gemmell has had a tour and com menlary oi the upstairs ol the Home videotaped. This allows visitors who are unable to climb stairs to have an 'an'n chair” tour of the upstairs. Many Ihanls to the Videographer. Joan Plaer from West End wt. Wellington South. And many thanks to all who oonlnbuled lo the cause. Canadian Tire Money is still welcome. A Royal Invitation Women's Institute members are invited to a Dutch (you pay yourown way) Luncheon the Royal Agricultural Mnter Fair on N vember 5, 1999. The individual cost is between $15and$20. Meet at ttie WI Booth between 12:30 and 12:45 tor a 1 o'clock Luncheon. While you're there, plan to ai- tend the Opening Night Horse Show at the Royal and watch the spotlight locus on the recipients of our 'Excellence in Agriculture Award.‘ Call the FWIO Olfica and order your Horse Show tickets today! Scholarship After much discussion, the FWIO Board at Directors passed a motion to make the 90m Anniversary Educational Award one award of $1000 to one recipient per year. Conference Updates: FWIO Conference 2000 The Federated Women's Institutes oi Ontario Provincial Conterence is being planned for some time during July to mid- August. 2000. It will be held in the Northem Region. Watch tormore details in the Winter 1999-2000 issue ot Home a Country. ACWW 2001 The Ontario Coordinating Committee (000) has set a proposed budget tor in upcoming ACWW 2001 Conference ' Hamilton. Ontario. The budget wrtl be pre- sented at the Triennial Conlerence Committee meeting in London. England, in October. Plans regarding programming and tours are ongoing. Mary Janes. Publicity Director torlhe OCC has sent articles to The Countrywoman and to all Canadian Socie- ties. She is also working on distributing intorrrration throughout the United States A Conierence Badge was designed by Rosella Clancy trom the River Valley WI. Hastings West District. Rosella has also donated a framed watercolour. “Springtime in Ontario.” to help raise funds tor ACWW Contarence 2001. Tickets will be sold at Area Conventions and the Royal Agricul- tural Winter Fair. and at other suitable opportunities. Tickets are also available trom your Provincial Advisory Councillor (PAC) and from Donna Russell, Chair at the Displays and Sales Committee tor Cooler- ence 2001 . Donna can be reached at RR 3. Stirling ON KDK 3E0, PhoneJFax: 613- 395-4305.

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