Board Briefings President Christine Fleabum welcomed the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) Board to theirtwoâ€"day January meet- ing. "We are embarking on a new year." noted Reabum. “and it is an exciting time.“ Fieaburn thanked Board for all the attention paid to the copious faxes sent to them since the Annual Meeting. She added with jest. "I was under the distinct impression December would be quiet!" The following are some of the highlights from the January meeting. Contact your Pro- vincial Advisory Councillor if you have any questions. COMMUNICATIONS Starter Kit for New Branches The Women's Institute Handbook briefly out- lines how to organize a new Branch. Groups wishing to organize can contact Membership Organizers. District Presidents and Secretar- ies and Provincial Advisory Councillors as resource people. To assist in the process. and hopefully make it run more smoothly. FWIO would like to develop a Starter Kit for New Branches. If you have any ideas for this Kit send them to Evelyn Smart at RR 7. Owen Sound ON N4K 6V5. Phone: 519-376-4139. Fax: 519-376-5869. PO LICY U PDATES Election Procedures for Annual Meeting Much discussion ensued around the election procedures for the FWIO Annual Meeting. Board Directors passed the following policy. Provincial positions. with the exception of the President-Elect. are by application only. Ap- plications are to be obtained from the Provincial Office and they must be received by Septemberao. If none are received by this date, Board will accept applications in incre- ments of 30 days prior to the annual meeting until an application(s) is received, Refund Cheques The FWIO Board passed a motion to discon- tinue issuing refund cheques for clerical 4 Home E Country, Spring 2000 errors over or under $5. The motion was passed because the Provincial Office was averaging two refund related errors per week. This policy will save the organization money in handling. staff time and the cost of cheques and bank service charges. The differences to be set up in a special fund. FWIC/ACWW FWIC Convention The following resolutions were sent to FWlC for their consideration in Brandon: - That FWIO request the Federal Govem- ment of Canada to immediately grant surviving members of the World War II Canadian Merchant Marine all monetary compensation for benefits denied them over the intervening years. - That FWIO request the Federal Minister of Health to enact legislation that requires any food products containing genetically al- tered components be clearly labelled in order that consumers can make an in- formed choice. "Bed & Breakfast†- ACWW 200] if you are interested in hosting ACWW deleâ€" gates before or alter Conference 2001. submit your name and address to the FWIO Provincial Office. A special HospitalityHomes List is currently being compiled. Wl members wishing to provide “bed and breakfast" at $25 per night. call the Provincial Office today. INFORMATION ITEMS Resolutions Manual Lobbying Coordinator Anne Dyas will be re- vising and updating the FWIO Resolutions Manual. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the Manual. please send them to Anne Dyas at RR 3. Cochrane ON POL 100. Phone: 705-272-6886. Fax: 705-272-3425. In addition. all FWIO resolutions will be re searched. and printed in a booklet if feasible. Area Workshop Possibilities FWIO is offering all Areas the opportunity to hold a two-hour workshop at Area Convenâ€" tions in the Fall of 2000. Workshops on either Tweedsmuir Histories or membership recruit- ment are being offered. Note: the workshop will only be presented at those Areas who Specifically request it. Please contact the FWIO Provincial Office if your Area is inter‘ ested in either presentation. Public Relations Coordinator's Report Carol Helfonsteln. FWIO Public Relations Coordinator (PFlC) hopes to eventually dis- tribute press releasos to Board. Provincia Advisory Councillors (PAC) and Dislri. PFtOs via email. She believes that Board has the ability to inspire PAC and District PROs to take these press releases. adapt them to their local situations and submit them for publication to their local papers. The PRC reported that the electronic bulle- tin board system she spoke of previously (see page 10 Spring 1999 Home 1! Country) is no longer as effective, Newspapers now go di- really to the world wide web for information. Helfenstein is requesting that District PFtOs send hertheiremail address. or find someone in the District who would be willing to receive, and distribute accordingly. all emails. Send all email addresses to cal| 901h Anniversary Educational Award The FWIO Board rescinded the motion dated August 24. 1999. that the FWIO 90th Anni- versary Educational Award be one award of $1000 to go to one recipient per year. This Educational Award will now be a $250 award and will go to one recipient from each of the four regions. BOARD MEETING DATES See Provincial Calendar of Events on p. 16. 0TH ER ITEMS COVERED A number of other topics were highlighted in the Board Briefings that went out to Provincial Advisory Councillors. These topics include: t Board Briefings at the Flow of Information c Letters of introduction from Board to PAC - FWIO Provincial Conference Postponed - Delegates to the FWIC Convention 0 Policy re: Expense Forms - Promoting the WI Via Radio I Peace Bridge Plaque - Cewical Screening Program Focus Group - Motions Passed Board passed a motion at the January meeting stating that only the highlights i of on site Board meetings be reported i in the Home & Country newsletter. If ‘ was felt that this would not only save t space. but encourage and improve ‘ communications between Provincial Advisory Councillors and members. This space can be used to give Branch news more coverage, .