Huron East Branches Celebrate WI Anniversary To celebrate the anniversary week of the Women's InstitutE, four Branches from the Huron East District hosted a Euchre Party in February. In preparation members gathered to make Valentine favours. From left to right are Isobel His/op â€" Molesworth Wi, Peggy KeFfer â€" Brussels WI, Marjorie Humphries â€" Walton WI and Kathy Bridge â€" Majestic WI. The successful event fed 75 people; plates and plates of leftover sandwiches were do- nated to the local Legion. Submitted by Lucy Hesse, Majestic WI, Huron East. Vlttorla WI Member Honoured For twenty years, the Vittoria WI have gath- ered at Christmas with other seniors from their village and area to enjoy a hot turkey dinner together. Last December, to recog- nize the International Year of Older Persons, they also decided to honour longâ€"time mem- ber Frances Walsh (seated, front centre). Raffle tickets were sold for various prizes donated by members, including a quilt. framed print, homemade lamp and shade, decay and a bicentennial history book. From the sale of these raffle tickets and other fundraising activities, the Vittoria WI was able to donate $2500 towards upgrading their historical Town Hall. The 28 member Branch regularly caters to Lions Club sup- Pers, funerals and weddings. They fund local g'Uldlng and scouting troops, Camp Trillium, the Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. As well, they sponsor awards at their local public school and the Donnybrook .rr. Submitted by Gertrude Smith. Vittoria WI, Nortolk, Reynolds Creek Member Recelves Volunteer Award Reynolds Creek Women’s Institute is proud of member Evelyn Roth. She was presented with a 1999 Ontario VolunteerAward forher Women’s Institute work. She is currently the Branch Vice-President, as well as the Farm Safety Representative and member of the Meedsmuir Committee for the Middlesex East District. Submmed by Mariana Adam, PRO, Heynotos Creek WI, MIddlESEl Eesl Perth North Branches Donate Io ACWW Marcie Johnston (left) and Dorothy Hymers (right) coordinated a Euchre and Crokinole Party for the Britton WI in February. Families of the Britten, Listowel East and Mornington Women ’5 Institutes attended. A sizeable do- nation was sent to the Associated Country Women of the World as a result. Submitted by Maren; Johnston Button WI. Perth North It’s never Ian late to have a happy childhood. Come Walk With Me Into "The New Mlllonnlum" When the Navan Post Office was built in 1971, a wheelchair ramp with an iron railing prevented customers from easily accessing the adjacentbank. Lastyear, while on one of her routine walks to mail letters, a Navan village resident and Women’s Institute member, Sheila Calver, had the idea of a connecting walkway between the Post Of- fice and the bank. In November, Navan WI President Helen Burns, Navan Community Association President Ross Elliott (left) and Lions Club President John Tyrell (right) cut the ribbon to declare the walkway officially accessible to all, and to both businesses. The three organizations mounted a plaque on the Post Office declaring the walkwayajoint Millennium Project. Submttled by Helen Burns. Prestoanl. Navan WI. Russell llnbraok WI Launch Mlllannlum Protect Cleda Yachetti, a member of the Binbrook WI, holds the Recipe- Greeting Cards the Branch has had printed as their Millennium Project. Mary Hill Gartner designed the floral motif. Submtllad by Mary wrmwatt ambmk WI, Wanlwarth Soth » Alum Home 8. Country, Summer 2000 15