7 Cross Country Calendar Wobush WI, Kent This group held an Appreciation Night simply to thank all the women in their community who have helped In any way in their fundraising efforts, whether it was servtng atsuppers or making presto sell. A local florist demonstrated flower arranging and speakers talked about Canada's food policies. What great public relations for the WI! Bowen Rood Wl, Niagara During this “International Year of the Volunteer," several members from the Bowen Road W1 were honoured for their volunteer work by The Hon. Tim Hudak. Minister of Tourism. Travel and Culture. Margaret Russell. Barb Wilkie, Joan McNeil, Elva Leadly. Darlene Levere and Bev Jewson were presented with pins for their volunteer work, The group also launched a new cookbook entitled ll'lllll’llllllilll MGXIEl't/lt’fA'. The group has also held another succ .sful annual lawn sale and participated in the popular threeâ€" clay Ridgeway Festival. People from all over Canada and the United States come to Fort Erie to attend the weekend Festival and experience re-enactments at the site. Bowen Road members serve the “Siege Breakfast" for the two mornings of the event. Lunurk South District WI Guest speaker Betty Giffen of Victoria‘s Quilts. Canada, recently spoke to this Dis- trict. “A little leprechaun ot'a lady climbed into the pulpit and gave us one heck of a 'Ministry ofthe Quilt.‘ as she calls it." said District PRO Eleanor Bradley. Giffen reâ€" layed stories of the comfort provided by the handmade quilts to cancer patients across Canada. She has over 200 volunteers who come together once a month to create the much-needed quilts. The group can create as many as 50 quilts in a day. The quilts are then taken home and either quilted by hand or machine and then distributed to hundreds ofcancer sufferers. Many Lanark South District Branches are keen to partici- pate in this worthwhile cause. l4 Home & Country, [all 2001 River Valley WI, Hastings West The River Valley WI arranged a meeting for farmers and interested citizens to hear Dr. Douglas MacLeod. District Veterinar- ian for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. and Nancy Necker. Cow/Calf Specialist in Kemptville, speak about the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Great Britain. Participants learned that this disease is highly communicable. which affects a country's clovenâ€"hoot‘ed live stock. as well as some rodents. Middlesex East District Wl it This District hosted a HOSE Health Program at the Thorndale Community Centre underthe direction at Wellburn Wl members Audrey McCutch eon (far left) and Eva Lamond (far right) and in partnership with Mary Ann Stewart (second from left) and Jackie Wells (second from right) from the Middlesex Providers Alliance. Approximately 200 people viewed the displays set up by the 30 health providers to promote the services available In the area. A variety or desserts supplied by all the Branches in the District were available with a free will donation to cover expenses, Guest speaker Eleanor Wood related humourous stories other life on a dairy farm with her lamlly. Her message â€" you must focus on the positive things in life to be able to lee! good about yoursell, and you must learn to laugh! Suhmrltled by Fluth Ann Haves, Weliburn WI. Middlesex East Cornell WI, Oxlord Cornell WI memberAudrie Boughner received an Ontario Volunteer Service Award for her 20 years bl outstanding leadership to 4-H groups. Audrie was one of over 70 volunteers who were presented pins and certiï¬cates by Oxford MPP Ernie Hardoman as part of the "International Year a! the Volunteer" recognition celebrations. Submitted by Bonnie Smilh. Secretary. Cornell wt. Oxiord. As their millennium prolect, the Elders Mills Women’s institute published a hlstory of their community entitled Remembering Eldor's Mills. Members of the Book Committee are shown with the Mayor 0! the City of Vaughan at the Book Launch and Community Reunion. From left to right are F em Wardlaw, Margaret McClure, Mary Burton, Mayor Lorna Jackson, Connie McCaIlum and Agnes Foster. Submrtteu by Margaret McClure. Twaedsm uir HlSlOly Curator, Eldar‘s Mills WI, York Centre. Isabel Ireland and Ann Somerville (ha ck ro w. for left and second from left) lrom the Dulferin Oaks Redevelopment Committee accept a cheque from Camilla WI members - Dianne Hopkins and Mary Coulter (lrorrt, left to rlght) and Judy Lansing, Pat Hodglns and Joan Brailley (back, rlght to left), The group also completed their millennium project - a patio, dasignad to look like the traditional Log Cabin quilt pattern â€" as part a! the expansion 0! the Community Centre in the Town of Mono. These are just two of the many projects that the 2:! members of the Camilla WI have recently worked on. Submitted by Patn‘cra Hodglns. PRO, Camilla WI. Dulterin South. Tap photo courtesy oi Sharon Fuels. The Banner