st, Vincent Wl members have been busy each month liiiing handmade bags with personal items for the Grey Bruce Women '5 Centre. Shown in the front row from left to right are Margaret Clark. Danna Coleman. Helen Hudson and Ethel Club/n9. In the back row from leit in rightare Grace Weylie. Helen Wea vcr. Irma Shorti, Luella Bumstead. Freda Skippen. Shirley Moore, Sheila Carmichael. Meri Diane Carroll and Isabel Burgess, Absent â€" Wll'ii'iic Saddiebauert The Penage Road Wl in Whiteï¬sh. Ontario. recently held two qulltlng bees. They gathered to produce cornlort quilts tor the .meless in the ester City at Sudbury, The group completed eight quilts. From tell to right are members Ruth Svensh. Jean Aclrwaad and Helen Makela. Subrmlted by Pal Blunnn‘ PRO. Penaqa Rwafl WI Sudbuiy Norm LES! November, "V9 members at the LlflCO’ll Contra Lll'lH DBnCflfS L'l'llOHfllHUd the Heamsvi'llo and Pasadena Wis. The avani was organlzed as a ROSE Health esslan under the theme 0! "Healthy Bodies. Healthy Minds." Beamsviile ember Angola Valli (lront left) demonstrates thls lun way in heap lit, along with WI members Audrey McCauley, Theresa Milne and Lynne Gaodleilaw (ieli to right in back row) and Dlmclor Joan Ruddy (lar right). we arm Sume'edatAn 2:.) 13‘ um l m 7. in. “it. . Four members iron-i Brant District were awarded Province oi Ontario Vaiunteor Awards. The District nominated them tar this Award These four Indies â€" Dianna Csonto, Carol Force, Helen Emmott and Elizabeth Voung llrom left to right) â€" can boast 150 years at volunteer service between the four at them Minn-natural vr-v ,» u min. m This group put an a Christmas UH)an .ii the Severn Bridng Hail tor the Hammond Transportation Company Fillygirests m-ir- snrvedn ho, hum dinner With homemade pies Hainpshrre Ardtrri; member-a who helped with this: lundraiser included (from lell to right) brick row ~ Hopkins. middle row - Karon Trilord. Mary Schulz. Jenn MrMi/lnn illtd Barb Clare. and Iron! row - Betty Ayers, Marin Hewitt, Nancy Cnmnry, Lois Tia/lord. Bonnie Sirillard, Kay Fountain rind Marilyn She/swell nnrntlly Luchrfly (Ind Pnl ml will: Hi: N l' i,1lllr._ hm hm m in .WI um iii ..v.i Russell Village Wamvri's institute men-iban .m- "bt'rry" hnppy wllh ineir Berry SJIlt' Fundraiser they held List tail wr members inn Henry (Ir-ll} tindDinyAchtomektvtconirr-t are shown with .r happy customer picking up her order a! blueberries. Humour, lmi w- i,.,.,.‘.,l.v,iHug-ii it. .. All too alien the WI is thought alas an Otgi1nl1fllan when: women get together. raise iunda tor camrnunlly pro/acts and enjoy retroshmvritii and n aacliil time. The Wi Is. and nlwriys hm: been. much more than iimi. A salary in the Mount Forest Cantedernln whom “Damascus Wl rails lor n sludge bun" rind the "uranium WI wants a lull public debate on garbage options" puts those misconceptions to rest Thr- Dnmnscus WI wrote to Wellington North Count/i outlining its apposition in spreading trmtod sludge. cit/ling tar .‘ttl iill-out-ban ol ituI prarilcd, The (Iranian: WI, on the other hand, is: C/lfllflg (or public Input prior to an expensive new wnstn disposal/Jinn being lnitlilll'd in the Townchlp at Snuihgaie. Wu congratulate bath Wt groups tar inking lhn Initiative on issues that concern us all. i.uqunumnm“mm. “would i lilr'i .w.“limitimmtwin/urnâ€; Home 8. Country, Spring 2003 IS