Report oi the FWIO Executive 0 cer to FWIC By Anthena Hecker e new President of the Federated Women‘s lnstitutesofCanadatFWIC) is Margaret Yetman from Newfoundland & Labrador; the new President»Elect is Shirley Needhaiii from Quebec. Major changes have occurred at FWIC. The national office has moved from its Ottawa location to the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead, The address is FWIC, Box 391,395 Blue Lake Rd. St. George ON NOE 1N0. Phone: 5 l9-448â€" 3873. email: f\\iic@bel] FWIC has been paying in excess of $|.000 a month for rent in Ottawa and, in part, to save money are moving into the empty apart- ment at the rear of the Homestead. Barbara Sheurdown, the new Executive Director for the national organization, started on September 2. Two emergency resolutions were pre- sented and sustained at the FWIC held in Lennoxville, Quebec. They are as follows: I That FWIC request the Government of Canada to expend all efforts to reopen the beef export market inclusive of all trading nations that have been closed due to the incident of BSE (mad cow disease). I That FWIC request the Government of Canada to commit to joint manage- ment of fishing resources with all concerned provinces. Triennial Convention l) Home 8. Country, Full 2003 FWIO President-Elect Elsie Stephenson presented a cheque to FWIC President Faye Mayberry in the amount of $17,606.55. proceeds from Ontario's “Focus High for WI" Project. Mayberi'y thanked the Ontario membership for their most generous donation. I was privileged to take the “StoriesTo- Go“ Workshop at the FWIC Convention. This is a project sponsored by WINS â€" the Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia. The workshop facilitators stated that 52% of Canadians are functionally illiterate and that many Children do not understand where food “really†comes from and how it is produced. The “Stories-Toâ€"Go" Project is an excellent opportunity to practice literacy and study agriculture at the same time. Blue nylon bugs are filled with a story- book, crayons. a colouring book, toys and other farm related items and are placed where children might have to wait e doc- tors‘ offices, chemo treatment facilities, etc. The program is organized so that someone periodically checks to ensure that the bags are always full. Most of the supplies for the bags are purchased at the dollar store. (For more mi "Stories-T0- Ca " .rcc page II.) The 2006 FWIC Convention will be held in Red Deer. Alberta. We will be hearing more about that in the future. My first meeting as your new FWIO Executive Officerto FWIC will be held in November. I look forward to hearing what is happening at the national level and I will relay what I learn to the FWIO Board, and to you! Arthena Hacker is the FWlO Executive Officer to FWIC. She can be reached at RR 1. Richard: Landing ON POI? lJO, Phone: 705446-2377, Email: FWlO President-Elect Elsie Stephenson (lelt) presented the "Focus High for WI" cheque to FWIC President Fay;I Mayberry (right), Maple Ridge WI Celebrate Canada The hall at North Frederieksburgh took on a festive air as the Maple Ridge WI mat in mid-June to “Celebrate Canada. "The hall was adorned bya large Canadian Flag, which had been flown over the East Block of the Parliament Buildings in May. A new flag is flown each day on Parliament Hill and then delivered to Canadians, respectively, who put their name on a waiting list. Maple Ridge Wl Program Convenor Marg Everett {shown in photo) did fuel that andreceiveda {lag in time for the celebration. Members donned red and white clothing, photo- graphs n! the Canadian Flag [lying in different areas of the country were displayed on red and white Bristol board and red and white flowers graced the tables. Each member reaffirmed their citizenship pledge and Canadian Flag Pins and Bookmarks with O'Canada and the Pledge of Allegiance were handed out, O'canada, The Maple Lea! Forever and This Land is Your Land were sung. and member Beryl Jacks enlarged upon the motto, Glorious and F, The celebration was completed by the arriv Larry McCormick (shown in photo). MP (or Hastings, Frontenac and Addingtan. who brought greetings from Ottawa. This event reinforced what a great country we live in and that we should be proud to be Canadian. Stibmllted by Margaret Winter, PRO, Maple Ridge WI, Lennox a Addington. Klngstun Area Helping the Homestead Mary Derbyshire (right). Provincial Advisory Cauncillar Iar Subdivision 17 and a membEr of the Adelaide Hoadless Homestead Committee, accepted a $500 cheque Iron-r Jennifer Edgar, a member at the Whiteman's Creek WI. This."FaCUS High for W" donation will go to the Homestead's Upkeep Fund. The Branch raised the money through their successful house and garden tau. 2 Submflled by Mary Ellen Edgar, Whiteman’s Cre Brant, Hartlillon Area.