lwyn WI Presents riend of WI Award Lakeï¬eld pharmacist Nick Lalani, ac- companied by his wife Mary (left), hapâ€" pin accepted the Friend of Women's Institute Award from this Branch for the many ways he has assisted the community and its residents. Branch President Marg Killeen (right) present- ed the Award at a luncheon in Lalani's honour, noting the many ways he has been helpful to the group. Nick was applauded for providing sem- inars, workshops or speakers on a vari- ety of health related topics] including the use of medicinal herbs in conjunc- tion with prescription medications. the importance of vitamins to well-being, diet for diabetics and osteoporosis. As well. the couple was instrumental in helping to establish the Medical Day Clinic in Laketield and Nick is known for his past advice on the content of the well-known Environmentally Friendly Household Hints book rland Lee Award of Appreciation ie Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) presents the Erland Lee Award to a man resident in the Province of Ontario who has: oknowledge of the WI and its work Ugiven freely of his talents to the WI -been instrumental in raising the proï¬le of the WI outside the orga- nization Opromoted the aims and objectives of the W] in an advisory position and through expertise in his ï¬eld of work 0encouraged the progress of the W] as a modern organization for women. Nominations can come from the Branch, District/County, Area, provin- cial or national level. Each province is entitled to one nomination per year, except for Ontarlo‘ which is entitled to two due to the size of its membership Specifics of the nominee‘s contribuâ€" tion to the Women‘s institute must be included with the nomination letter and forwarded to the FWIO Provincial Ofï¬ce for approval by March 1 of each year A cheque for $15, payable to FWIC. must accompany the nomination. The Photo taunts“ ql Nr'il' Biviighm Laki’ï¬l’lll HI’Hilll Submitted by lmm Edwards PRO Saliriui \\’| Pelgrv liamugli. Tn'iii Valley Arm cost is the responSIbility of the nomiâ€" nating body FWIC will supply an Erland Lee Award Certiï¬cate but presentations are the responsibility of the nominator For more information about the Erland Lee Award contact the FWIO Prov1n~ Cial Ofï¬ce at 519-836â€"3078 "Buy a Shingle, Buy a Bundle!" Thanks to this toe-tapping jingle created by the Provincial Board in the sum- mer of 2002 and the generosity of Women’s institute members across the province, the Restore the Roof Proiect has been completed at the Erland Lee Museum Home. About thirty months ago the fundraising began to raise the necessary money to replace the cedar shingles on the I870s home, By the end of March 2004, the funds had been raised and the contractor selected Once the weather cooperated, the new cedar roof with its copper flashing was installed. Submitted by Michael Gemmell, Curator. Erlaml Lee Museum Home