Fe {/6 la red WI m m S [mgr/T1116 ri/‘Onrrtrf; flu/1' 200+ From Buds to Blooms â€" FWIO Celebrates the 5th Anniversary of the ROSE Program At the provincral “ROSES are Blooming" Forum held at Georgian College in Barrie on August 20-2l, ROSE Program Manager lulieAnnettouthned FWIO‘scommitment to education "Since its inception,“ stated Annett, “FWIO has committed to providing educational opportunities for women and their families Through self-supporting education and support programs, like the ROSE Program, the philosophy that sparked the founding of the Women's Institute still continues today Despite the many challenges, the members who make up this organization are as enthusrastic and committed to education as their predecessors were [00 years ago The face of the Women‘s Institute may have changed over the years but the need for an organization like FWIO remains the same The “ROSES are Blooming" Forum, funded entirely by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, was a two-day event for Women's Institute members and ROSE Partners to network and share information. It was the first of its kind for FWIO attracting more than 200 members and provincral Partners from across the province to attend and to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the ROSE Program, 7 3 page 5 and it) “up District Rupresmlutiws dim lllt’ll' blue huts tor the _‘ Ad 0 ourt . . Read more riEwut this im lillll’ Hui Clirillviigu raining seminars skill dewlrmineni workshops and an Information Expo Each representative had the i vi'ipori imih o attend three of nine llllé‘l’dCllVi? workshops and visit over 25 inl'ormiitiye displays Guest speakers included Dr Beverly Leiperl. Chair of the i'ir-wly orrned Rural Womens Health Reward] Department at the UniverSIty (ii Western 7/70 luheAriiieri the RFKSE Program Manager mn lie i-iacht il a: Ontario, and Dr Linda Ambri ise. Chair Highlights of the Forum included a of the Hisioiy Department at Laurentian ‘3 IQ-i‘s‘ $073 celebratory banquet, an award ceremony, Jniversity or ii iUlhr' in him on ca Inside: Castieion wr V . . ,. . . 7 A not or Lllt' l3 Letters . Learn More in 2004 . . . 81) Cross Country Happenings r N From Rainbow Country Needsmuir Report , ,. 10 Cungrciluiaiiuiis IS Board Brieï¬ngs ............. Lifelong Passion , , , 10 For ‘i'« iur lniormaiim .. lo Presidentâ€"Elect Proï¬le . . “Quilts, Ouills and Bears' 1! Blue lltll Challenge Io Advocacy Reportmw. Executive Oll‘lCEl’ Report I2 International Report . 716