Sharing Our Heritage Provincial Programming Theme for 2005 We share knowledge with members of our communities in many ways through our ROSE Program, so our programming theme for 2005 - "Sharing our Heritage" - isa natural extension of our programs The deï¬nition of heritage - "anything transmitted from our ancestors or past ages" â€" provides a broad scope for new programming ideas for the next year We all have a heritage As Canadians our origins stem from almost every country in the world and we have a wealth of knowledge to pass on to the next generation How many nationalities are represented in your own Branch? What can your members share with us and your community and. perhaps more importantly. with the next generation? Hopefully what follows are some interesting ideas for you to use when planning your programs, Tweedsmuir Histories Mottos: - “Memories are treasures from pleasures we have known " ‘ "Our heritage grows along with us " Roll Calls: - Bring a written report of your farm or house history - Bringan itemfortheTWeedsmuir History Book. Programs: Many Branches have extensive histories already written. but other Branches have doneverylittle Sowhynotplana'l‘weedsmuir program meeting Here are a number of ideas. 0 sort and label photographs together - organize those newspaper clippings and make sure they are labelled with the source and the date ' obtain or take photographs of historic buildings in your area ‘ encourage members to write house logs - ask members to look through their attics and come up with hidden treasures - visit your local museum and ask if your Needsmuir History Books could be displayed there Do not hesitate to contact Peggy McLeod, the FWIO 'leeedsmuir Coordinator for help. She can be reached at Box 385, Cobden ON KO] lK0_ Phonet ol3â€"04o-2415, Fax: 613-646- 2i 17. Email mmcleod@webhart net the Family Histories Mottos: - "Be careful when you shake your family tree; you never know what might fall out.“ Roll Calls: - Bring the oldest family picture in your possession. - What are your memories ofyour mother/ grandmother? - Name a part of your heritage which you would like passed on to your children or grandchildren. Programs: - Map out your family tree. it doesn't have to be complicated and most of our children and grandchildren have some interest in their grandparents and greatâ€"grandparents. is there a genealogy societyin yourarea whocould talkto you about researching your family heritage? - Recordyourfamilystoriesbeforetheyare lost forever Encourage family members to talk into a tape recorder or write down the things that will be important to the next generations 0 Sort through your old photographs and identify the people in them. otherwise your children will throw them out when you die! - Why not host an evening for members of the community and ask them to talk about their past? Have a recorder write these stories down - Do you have a member who is a "scrapbooker?" Maybe she could guide your group through this revived art. Theme Meetings Mottos: - "To forget your ancestors is to be a brook without a source or a tree without a root" 0 "Precious memories â€" don't let them slip away " Roll Calls: - Bring an ethnic recipe from the country ofyourorigin. ' Bring a craft from the country of your origin. Programs: Every monthly meeting could be a "Heritage" theme night! I At each meeting ask a different member whose family has come from another country to be responsible for a short program about her family and their country of origin. - Ask the "Lunch Ladies" to do a bit of research to ï¬nd a suitable recipe from that country Record the recipes and save them for a year and at the end of the year every member will have a new ethnic cookery book! Ethnic Night Mottos: - "Welcome all new Canadians; it takes white keys and black keys to play 0 Canada " I "Look into the future and learn from the . l! past." I "Citizenship is the chance to make a difference to the place you belong." - "Friendship and understanding are the bonds that hold the world together." Roll Calls: 0 Name the country of your ancestors: tell their story and bring photos, 0 Bring a map, stamp or newspaper clipping pertaining to your country of origin. Programs: invite members from your community who have emigrated to Canada, Form a panel and ask them to talk about their life as a woman in their country of origin. Then have a question and answer period. Although it may be difficult to ï¬nd women of diverse backgrounds in rural areas, take the challenge and try to find them These women might be pleased to make contact with long time members of their communities, and if they feel welcome they could potentially become members. Remember to invite them to your next meeting and especially to your Christmas meeting. Christmas can be a lonely time for new Canadians. Christmas Meeting Mottus: - Celebrate the past; challenge the future. - A smile is something that adds to your face value. 0 Memories are treasures pleasures we have known Roll Calls: - Namea familytradition. - Name a Christmas tradition from your country of origin. Programs: Use your Roll Call as the program. Encourage every member to talk about Christmas traditions that have evolved in their families. Give them a suitable time limit. For example, my Branch has a regular attendance of 30 members, so two minutes per member is quite enough. But in a small Branch each member could give a longer talk, People love to talk about their past Do you exchange little gifts? Ask your members to make something â€" i.e. an oldâ€" fashioned cookie recipe, a pomander made with an orange stuck with cloves or a large piece of traditional Christmas cake. The possibilities are endless! Crafts and Cooking Mottos: t "Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations." from the 8 Wigwamm“ 1.10mi“! ~ ’- [lflilhâ€"u.“ lffllsh“! ~ ‘~ 11mm.†Continued on page 9.