West End WI Donate Books to Local Liï¬rary West End Women's institute President Sharon Currie presented Marclen PUlJliC Library representative Trudy Colin with a cheque to purchase library books Four books with historical themes were purchased with the donation Suï¬mitled [7y Betty Lomhei’t \Vi’si Eiitl \VI. Wellington South, Guelph Amt V» . cur twin Mo's Initiate 631830075: YO!" HWE VW, , Grey County WI Goes Country! The Grey County Women's Institute membCis presented a $5 000 cheque to the Grey Roots Heritage Museum and Archives The proceeds were from ti (tiliiil ry (ltlllCE‘ and silent auction sponsored by the \\’| last luly at the Read} Areni Slitviiii liniii lclt tr.» right in the front row are Fundraising Cornii‘iiitce Chair Lisle Lott; tin-1; t‘uiinty \Vl President Grelha Holmes, \Vl members Lots Olmsted, irene Mtt‘ttitiitvll (lltll Purl: Carter and Ciro) Roots Heritage Committee Chair DL‘llHli Bi‘LlJ’I lli lllt’ luti: row from left to right are Bill Murdoch, Events Cl‘mlr tllZdbClh Myers tillil “\itiit- iflttrli Murdoch and Clark are partners In Bitgiiflr Itiin Pnuhit lions l3 l'lliillliilliili't who [till on the u itirilry (Lint‘e Sutmtith'tl ity Cult'tiiti Holmes. P’l'Sl-tlt‘lll‘ Git-ii County WI, {threw/rim .’\li'tl Photo rottrh'uy til Fin l.uiitl::l.‘il_ Firi'ltiiitt' Pltiitttttitt/tlit‘i its itiiitlt‘tl iii lht‘ [)tiiiilttll‘ l h‘itiltl ttiiil tlii' Flcxlifli‘tnii Atli'itiitt' Meloourne Wl Help Support Local Fire Department The Melbourne Women s Institute raised funds in their community to purchase a deï¬brillator for the local volunteer ï¬re dapartment. Because ambulance service has to come from other stations the group recognized the need locally for this particular piece of equipment \Vi members canvassed lotal lumines. s and residents and Over 57 MI ms raised Members irene Carruthers Evelyn McLean, Rita Kellestine, Betty Fletcher, Viola McLean Elva Hothawai‘ and Darlene McRobert {standing left to lightl are shown with the Melbourne ï¬reï¬ghters at the ofï¬ctal presentation Submitted By Viola MfLUiUi. Secretory, Melbourne WI‘ Mltltllz‘St‘L Nor'tlru-asi‘ London Area