an _> g ’ _ time to write and submit my story for the Horn 05E Garden. Why hasn't it been included in this issue? ’ ~ From Writing for wr Dear Writing, What a great question...|’m so pleased you askedl We teceive several submissions, but unfortunately. I am not able to Include many ol them rn the newsletter. The main reason is because they don t meet the editorial guidelines as outlined by the Provincial Board. The guidelines clearly state that Branch Anniversaries (100th anniversarres can be submitted to the FWIO ofï¬ce for the web site), District Annual and Area Conventions reports and photographs] and tributes to deceased Member's t'wrth the exceptron of provincial presidents) CAN NOT be included to the newsletter Another reason yourstory might notappeai rs because oithe photmtmient or quality. We strive to include hrgh quality and compelling photos in each issue. This means, that we need photos that are Cluatr not blurry so they look good when the newsletter gets prrntecl Drgital photos or srrrnnocl photos should be a minimum of 300 DPI to ensure a map, clean image when reproduced. Images of people clorng somethrng or pattlctpnttitg in an activity are more Interesting than people posrng for the photo Br.» CarEful not to cut of‘fimportant aspects of the subject A for example. photos of people with ears or arms obviously mrssrng from photos look awkward and not flattering, And ï¬nally, ifyour story does not have enough tnr‘ormation tncluclt tr:| wrth it, we may keep it on ï¬le and follow up with you for use in a future new-letter The best thing to do before submitting your story rs to ensure you hat/e covered the 5 W's ~ who, what, where, why and when. There are LOTS of great thrngs happentng In your Branch that you can share with us that will get covered in Our provincral newsletter. lt‘s tune to get creative ~ we want your submrssions for each and every newsletter. Without you, and your wonderful submissions, we wouldn‘t be able to have a newsletter. The complete newsletter guidelines are available by contactrng the FWIO Ofï¬ce, or by visiting the Member Services sectron of wwwfwioon ca. DO you have a question that you want answered? Email Patty at ’ - be sure to include You Asked in the subject line. Your question could appear in the next issue of the Home Er Country ROSE Garden! Share your story in the next issue of the Home Sr Country ROSE Garden! We continue to look for current and interesting stories for our provincral newsletter and we want to hear from more of our WI Members and Branches across the province. This is a chance to share what your Branch has been working on, or to share a bit of your own personal interests with all FWIO Members. Here are some ideas to get your creativity flowing: - Book Review 7 Finished a great novel lately? Send us a review 7 keep rt under 350 words. Be sure to include the name of the book and the author. - Recipes 7 Award winning cookies or a family favourite you want to Share would be a great SmeISSIon. - Meet the Members 7 acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your Members by submitting their story for a Meet the Members. Include information on how long they have been a Member, their involvement in the Branch as well as the community, why they have enjoyed their WI time and other interesting details. Be sure to send a high quality photo with your story. ‘ Success stories and tips/ideas for programming or ROSE Sesstons 7 what has worked for your Branch. what hasn'tl and what have you learned along the way? Deadline dates and instructions on how to submit are on page 10.