m Tips for Leaders . . . l ’ln'll'lllt'df/Ilnl puec i‘l human being. capable of con- tributing a lifetime ofexperience l() the workshop: ' develop a climate that is suppor- tive and fosters selfâ€"esteem: - ensure that the participants per- ceive the leamings to be mean- ingful in them and apply to ihL‘Il' backehomc situation; - adapt the learning design [0 the needs and interests of the group: - encourage participants. to take responsibility for their own looming. Sonic techniques that u facili- tattir/trziincr can use to support these guidelines include: - rutiucsllng pfcecï¬LII'NL‘ feedback tin their needs and interests; - using iccehrcukcrs and gelAace quaintcd iiclii'itics: - conducting paired interviews l’tir introductions; presenting new information via a lecturette. solo reading. ï¬lm, slide show or discussion follow- ing tire-assigned readings; working in groups (pairs, trios, fours, etc.) for brainstorming. exchanging ideas, sharing infor- maiion. reflecting on preVious discussion and addressing con- cerns: utilizing case studies. demon- strations. ï¬sh bowls and role plays to expose participants to situations and their solutions: varying the learning environ- ment through the effective use of audio-visual aids (black boards. overhead and slide projectors. Films, television. flip charts. computers. etc.) ap- propriule to the situation; asking questions. encouraging discussions and focussing on thelearncr! For your workshop, will you be an Administrator. a Designer of a Facilitator? You may have to do all or pain of each role, sometimes taking off one hat to reveal another. Be prepaid to do all three! There are a lot of resources to as“): you in developing and delivering an effective workshop. Most of the guidelines and tips included in this at. iicle have been adapted from A Hand. book for Trainers of Fitness Leader; developed by the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation. It is an excellent refer? ence with plenty of checklists and llpfor workshop leaders, and is available through the Ontario Government Bookstore. 880 Bay St.. Toronto. M7.-INS. Chuck Bakor is a Rural Ll’tll/t'rilllp C ansulmm with the Ontario M iiti'sirji- n] Agriculture and F and, Guelph, Conseils a l’intention . . . i I'Iifimti 114‘ In [mew ‘J l'cspéricttt'c tlu llmll.’ une Vic: - étuhlir un cliniril tl'ciilruidc. qut itivnrise l'uslimc dc stii; - s'assurcr qui: lcs piirticipanls ll'tlllVL‘l‘ll lus uL‘quisiliUns sig- lilï¬ul‘llt‘s ct pcrltncnles pour leur situatiiin pcrsnnnellc; - titliiptcr Iii l'tirmtile ti'upprcn- tisstigc itLi\ lat-stuns cl iniéréis du priiupc: - crictiurtigcr lcs participants it Pl'L'lltlfC cm-ménics en charge Icur tipprcntissugc. Pitrnii lcs techniques tiuxqucllcs I’animaitcur/niiinitcur punt [H'Ull' rccours: - di‘s il\:|nl I'ttlclicr, recucillir l'uvis dL'V participants quant it lcurs hcsttins cl init‘réts: - itclivtics pruprcs it hriscr la glam: ct it meitrc lcs gens on contact; - cntrcvues Lie presentation avuc dcux persiinttes ii In l'tiis: - introduction d'elenicnh nou» It! I! & December. lnnuuryJ-ehrurun luui veaux riu moyen d'un expose. d'une lecture individuelle. d’un ï¬lm. d'un diaporuma ou d'une discussion découluntd‘un devoir de lecture: travail en petiis groupes (a deux. a irois. it quatre. etc.) aux ï¬ns d'un temue-méninges. d'un cchungc d‘ide’es. du partage de l'informtition. de la réflexion sur dcsdiscussions ante'rieuresetdes mesures u prendre pour régler les problemes; exploitation d‘étudcs de cas. the demonstrations. du psycho- drame ct desjeux de roles aï¬n de fumiliattser les participants avec certaines situations et les solu- tions concspondantes; unimer lcs lieux d'apprentissage par un usage judicieux de moyens audiovisuels (tableaux noi .. projecteur et retro- pi-njecteur. films. television. tableaux de conference. orâ€" dinatcurs. etc.); - poser des questions. encouragct la discussion et se concentrer sur Ie participant! Lors de l’atelier, agirez-vous en qualité d'administrateur. de concepteut ou d'animateur? ll est possible que tom deviez assumer les trois rolex. entierement an en partie. portant touri‘i tour chacun des chapeauxl Soyez préit‘t 1e faire! ll exisie toute une mine de ressuutcei qui peuvent vous aider dun~ l'élaboration et le déroulemenl d‘un atelier bien réussi. La plupart des pnn- cipes et conseils de notre article s'inspirent du Handbook for Trainers of Fitness Leaders. publié Pi" 1'5 ministére du Tourisme et des Luisirs C'est la un excellent ouvrage d8 référence. qui renferrne de préCiBUSE-‘i recommandations et de nombreusn fiches de controle é l'intention do animateurs d'atelier. On peut st? '6 procurer a la Librairie du gout/emc- mentde l'Ontario. 880, rue Bay.Tornn- to. M7A INS.