Wi‘iting applications You otyuliflï¬ï¬‚n may be applying “gramforlheï¬rsttimemritmay -i. beatpcl'iencedaltappingmil- bteï¬mcialrescurces. The following -r |l-. rm mmkflydflmeflï¬of mm writing and may be useful to W and professionals alike. 9 Title DISCS â€" mject Title Agency and/or Person Applying for the Grant Abstract of the Proper-ta] g*§§ Common reasons for denying grant requests 1. Project objectives not matched to ob- jectives ot’ funding source. 2. Proposal is poorly written and tundra mm. 3. Proposal did our follow guidelines or forum stipulated by the agency or maturation. 4. Proponl lacked speciï¬city. clarity. completeness or coherence. 5. Missing or inadequate data on project personnel. a No apparent relationship or coordina- tion with other individuals and/or organizations working in the same proâ€" 7. No evidence that project inillutors haw: necessary experience and resources til carry the project through. 8. Signiï¬cance of project too nurmw or localized. 9. Project objectives too ambitious 10. Irisuï¬â€˜icient evidence that the pmjcct can continue beyond the grunt pcriod ll. Inadequate evaluation pmoulums. 12. Proposed budget not within ningc ul funding available through this source. l3. Prospective client groups. hirve not been involved in planning and determtn- in; project goals. l4. Discrepancies between objectives and procedures. l5. Inappropriate timelinet. l6. Project fails to create new tools. tech- niques or knowledge. 17. Project does not maximinc scum rc- souroen oftirne and personnel (the cost is too high for the batcï¬i.) 18. Proposal takes a naive or too simple view of a complu problem. l9. Proposal shows little or no evidence of ndntinistrltr've control and coordination. 20. Poor plan for dissemination of project results. 2!. Estimated cost! unreasonable 22. Basic hypothesis is unsound. 23. Inadequate documentation. 24. Part of prrtpml minim; leg. surmmry. budget justiï¬cation. endorsement letters etc.) for grants Statement of Assurances Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal 2. Mission Statement â€" Gcncrttl I‘uncr tions of services \\'l'IlL‘h the applying agenq’ performs and hott them: l‘unc- lions relate to the subject muttcr in the grant proposal. 3. Need or Problem Stutcmcnt 7 Post. current and potcntiul Iiicts which .tl‘tt‘cl the wellâ€"being of thc p‘tpulttllull 'lll tltc grant proposal. Also. :i ilcscriplmn ol‘ the criteria used to st‘lt‘cl lllL‘ problem addressed by the proposul. ~l. Assumptions 7 AhhulllpllttlB. cou- stmints and gowns which niiiy .il'tccl thc proposed program ticgitttt'cly ur PUNI tit’clt‘. 5, Gottl * A stutcmcnt lllill dclincs whul will have occurer whcn IllL‘ tit-Cd is met in term: of hlillL‘ or coitLIItlnn Ul people. Stutctncnl must he Iiiuiistiraililc It need not hc rctilislic in lL‘l'll‘ln nl :tvniluhlu resources or tltc ousting stutt- of thc urt. Tiinc is not hpt‘t‘ll‘lk‘tl. h. OhjL‘CHVL‘ r A Slilll'lllL‘lll which nil tlrcsscn tln iiction which L'tltl he ctrccutcd to it specified dcgrt‘c In it hpt‘t‘llllftl period ol’linic, ()hjct‘tivcs should rclulc to each suited guitl. 7. Statement ol’ l’lunsul Action liucli (‘hjCCliVL' will L‘tlllh‘lhl til: it) What in lo he clinic 7 whcrc. wltcn. how often und lry whom, h) For whom il thl he done. ll. Schedule 7 Pflle'L'lL'tl dull: til (Illll plction und dulcs Int hL'qllL'Illllll slcph along the way. 9. Evaluation W ()ullinc how you pill" to evaluate your project lll'ltl hllW you will indicate In your funding MIUIL'L' lhul your project was succusslul. l0, Budgeting â€" Never tuilur a pro. posnl to at budget -â€" ulwuyh hudch u proposal. ) Major arena of budget account. b) Sources to cost data. c) Mulching funds. ll. Appendices H 6:. C April. May l9th 9