George Creelman The next Superintendent of the Farmers’ Institute Branch as Dr. G. C. Creelman. His nthusiasm for the Women’s nstitutes prompted him to irculate a letter to interested omen in Ontario, declaring I he department’s support both onetarily and philosophically or the formation of WI ranches. Official histories of he WI movement in Ontario redit these efforts by the epartment. particularly the rganizers and the grant money. id you know Federated Women's stitutes of Canada (FWIC) has a membership of about 50,000 women from coast-toâ€"coast is completely nonsectarian. non- partisan and non-racist has a quarterly newsletter called Federated News offers scholarships for continuing education and prizes for various competition: to a large degree for the growth of the movement. In I902 the Women‘s Institute position within the Department of Agriculture was gitcn legislative recognition. This legislation marked the depart- ment‘s wholesale commitment to the WI movement. lit the same year the dcpnrtmcnt began to publish handbooks for the Women‘s Institute LIlUIlg with example programs and lists of topics for study. the department also helped sponsor the first Wotttcn's Institute cun- vention in I902 held at the Ontario Agricultural (‘ullcgc In this case. the dcpnrttncnt‘s help consisted 0|. supplying thc meeting space an the college and many of the speakers. Financial support from thc department increased drtttnttl i- cally in I903 when 11 new grunt program was initiated. Starting in this year tltc department guru: every Women‘s Institute III the province an annual Slit grunt with the only provision being that a matching sum hc rcccivcd from thc local municipality or the Farmers“ Institute. A speaker service was also initiated by the department in I903. A number of different individuals â€" doctors. nurses. MAF link began 91 years ago teachers. dicticiuns. c\pcrt\ itt horticulture. dniryittg, poultry and beekeeping, ucrc hier on :1 per dicnt lILI\l\ to spunk to interested rurul groups. Iltc department paid thc \rlt‘dlu‘rs‘ the while tltc Ittt‘uI ilhtiltltt‘ prm idcd their ucctnntttttdtttion and pnid tltcir trttrclling mpcnscs. I'Itc \pcnlxcrx ncrc usually cngttgcd I‘tn' Iltc \utnntcr SCI‘IL‘s Ul' \lt‘t‘llllgW lll IllL‘ Women‘s lllsliltltt‘x m- LII ioint nintct‘ ntcctings Itcld \\Illl IllL‘ I-nttncrs‘ Ittstitttlcx. This )‘Cttl :tlm \tm Iltc Iclcttxc ot' the tint \\'ntncn\ lttslillllt‘ pulilicntitnt In NIH, tl‘IL‘ LlL‘plII‘IV tttcnt \L‘L‘lll'k‘kl tItrt-c to lirc pug-cs in n (‘nnndittn Imust‘lmld tttttgu/inc, 'I'ht‘ ('ttntttlinn llnmc .Imtrnttl. to uct as tho ttI'I'icinI tngttn tor tltc group l'Itix \cctittn of thc tnngn/inc IL‘;ttttt't'tI pnpcrs written It)‘ or for Institute Illt‘tltl‘tt‘l'\ us \\t.‘ll u" “hint-it‘s Institnlc llL‘\\\ itcntx. TllL‘ lilttgtt/illc \\ll\ nitcrctl [u thmcn‘s Institttlc IllL‘IllliL‘I’H ill :t rcduccd rule In cttcuntttgc them In H'IIlHL'Ith'. S. ltrnn ('alanIt-Il is it rt'smrt'licr at the Ontario Agricultural Museum. some facts about Federated Women ’s Institutes of Canada ‘ prcpnrcs tt'sttlttlituix, lIlIL‘l‘\ tttttl submissitnts Itt pttntttttc t'Ittltttzcs III (‘ttlltttlittn lt'ttislttlitttt rcscnrt’ltcs curtcttl tssllt's :ttltl ptnlv lotus rclulctl III tnntilicx titttl stictclt‘ is ti constituent sttctcty til the AssthliltL‘Ll ('tntnlt v Wuntcn (DI the World. For mtlrL‘ intttrtntnitm nu I"WI(', write to 25| IInttIt Street. Strut- (106, Ottawa. KZI’ IX]. (ill ZM-Ittun, H St (' April, May I‘MH I.'I