OMAF Centennial Contributors to agriculture and food will be honored during During I988, 100 individuals/ I.lllilIlt_'\ “ho hate contributed siguilicuittly to Ontario's agriculture .uitl IUHLI industr) \HII he recognized Ill honor nl’ the Ministry at Agrie ctiliurc .uid Foods (UnlennlaI. -\ turtn or rural orguni/tttion or tl\\|'LItlIIt‘n 0R an). three intlitiduals um» ittttltc ti nomination for the auard. ItltIL'llljJ will be conducted by leaders Itillll the .igrt-lood community based UII \‘IIIIIL'II Ill'llllnClIlDllS. l-()R\I.\I FUR \(JMI.\.»\'I'I()NH \Hmtiiittitins can he iii‘tttIL‘ by iiitIutIuitr the lillit'ming iiitnimtitiurr I \unuuutur Itlentilicuiiuii Include ciIIicr: lItL‘ Ittttltllldlil’l}: urguiu/titiun \HIII .I contact iiititic. address .llItI phone nuinhcr UR IltIIIItJN, address .iiuI phone lllllIlI‘L‘i Ui IIIIL'L‘ ItItIl\It.ILILtI uomintttors _‘ \t'lllllIL't.‘ Idk’lIIIIIsllIltll! .il lull iittmc llllltIL'tIlllL' giicn lItlIllt' used) It) dale and pir.l\.U til hirth c] liniiic .uItItess riiitI telephone iitiiiiht't tIl ii.tiiit- til spouse ttutl (IIIILII'L'II III .ipphcuhlel Share your talent in photo contest ‘itiit .llt‘ lll\lIL'LI Itr i‘tllllLII‘ilIL' lll IIIL’|l‘ i\IllIIHII\ nl '\!_'IItIIiIlllL' .tIitI I..srtl'».t t_l!I!.'I|lII.!I tc'It'I‘ldlIHItx lit I‘t'ltlg .I tilitlt‘sllitil Ill lIlt’ t JIIItlIItI \ulituliuitii \ltmtiul \ I‘M I‘Iuitiit'iltphut ntiipctitttui .uitl Ill-ills. Ix‘ulul Ix‘t'l'It‘tlintis I’liittuits til .I l -llI|Il I'I‘l‘ll in l HILtllti tL‘sttIt‘ltls. IIIL' Utmost It'.IIIIIL‘\ \.lIl|.II‘IL‘ prizes lIIltItlL'Il the sl‘flllstit- shut til \lliinll.t( ililtltId hit I’.iiticip.iiils ilIL' |||\|IL'\| to stthiiiit I‘Illlltli_'[.||lI|\ in Ilii; ItlIIl'\\Ilil‘ ILH‘ talent-tics t lil|ls ilIILI I|I liit'sltttls \lJIILLIIIlllilI Iriiitiuuttt' ‘ I.itui l IIL (pt-uplrl ‘ thitnittt '\L'lli.IIIIlIItII \[tisciini \IIL' ' lIhIHIIL RtllilI (initirtii centennial 3. Summary of approximately 200 words outlining the major achievements of the nominee and why he/she has been nominated. 4. Outline of nominee‘s education and training (if applicable). 9. Career Achievements and/or Business Endeavors _ ; describe nominee‘s busmess endeavors and major accomâ€" plishments associated with his/her operation â€" list positions held during the nominee's career, and major achievements associated with these positions 6. Honors and Awards â€" list any honors and awards previously received by the nominee and reasons for which they were given 7. Contributions to the Agriculture and Food Industry 7 detail the activities and achievements of the nominee that have Contributed to the betterment of the agriculture and food industry in Ontario 8. Community Service â€" detail the nominee's community service activities that have con- In light at OMAF's Centennial. a feature category will be Historic Rural Ontario which reflects agriculture and/or rural lite prior to I941 Use this opportunity to go up into your attic and re-discover your rural heritage by submitting a photo- graph. r\ll photographs must be submitted to the museum site by June 8 and will be on £958 JLHI IL‘IUt'i “\â€" ONTARIO MINISTRY C AGRICULTURE AND FCIQ. .Ill tributed to the improvement at the community and souer 9. Involvement in Agriculture ind Related Organizations â€" detail chronologicall} nominee's involvement ii. culture or related organi iris 10. include any additional inform win deemed to be pertinent t- the nomination. Typed nominations must in: Wish marked not later than Feb. 2“ I‘JNR. and should be sent to: Karen Rodman Lavis Guelph Agriculture Centre P.O. Box i030 Guelph, NIH 6N! If you need any more intern-mm. contact your local Ontario M uixlt‘)‘ of Agriculture and Food Ofï¬ce trill 519 823â€"5700, ext. 155. II display June 27 to Sept. 5. IQSK Your participation will ensure IIlt. tchL‘i of this contest! For a complete pant imni't kit, entry form, and further detail -. ‘ contact the Promotions and Puhl‘ Rela- tions Department at the Oman \ng- cultural Museum, P. O. Box 38. ‘Ji‘mn. L9T 2Y3 416 878-3l5l. FWIO hospitality hostesses Thu I‘cdcmtcd Women‘s Institutes otOntario (FWIO) have named two board throw us liospitutity ItOHlESSCS. They are: Southern â€" Florence Gole, 519 742-9503 Northern â€" Mary Shorrock. 807 223â€"6257. Mailing addresses are listed on page two. 24 H o: (' February. March 1988