“If you always do what you've always done, you‘ll always get what you've always got!" The above words were taken from an article in The Countrywoman written by Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) Presiâ€" dent. Dr. Ellen McLean. I don’t know who originated these words of wisdom and she doesn‘t say either. but it really doesn’t matter. What matters is the blatant truth of the statement. How many times have we found ourselves reacting in the same way to similar situations and then wondering why we get the same reaction or outâ€" come. The reason is simple and the key to getting a different reaction is The National Farm Women‘s Con- ference will be held from Nov. 12 to 14, 1987 at the Bessborough Hotel. Saskatoon. There will be to voting delegates from each province in atten- dance, as well as non-voting partici- pants. The registration fee for each dele- gate is $150 and a travel pool is being organized to help cover the costs of travel for the voting delegates. The program for the third National Farm Women's Conferenoe is still ten- tative. but here is an overview of what is planned for participants. Thursday, Nov. 12 tire-conference tours In regards to updating the Mary Stewart Collect (Oct. Nov. Dec. issue), .I sincerely hope this never happens. W1: 1 am all in favor of change that improves, how could these words possibly be made more relevant to the needs of women in this so-called nuclear age? The words calm, serene and gentle, Reflections from ROS Joyce Canning also simple â€" that‘s not to be con- fused with easy! The answer is i we have to change our behavior. There are probably going to be lots of occasions in the next few months for long time W1 members to say. “But we‘ve never done it that way beforeâ€, or “That's not the way we used to do it". When those opportuniâ€" ties arise, I hope those ladies will bite their tongues and forge onward. The Give changes a chance new constitution is \nggc‘sllllg sonic new approaches. Two committees. ol' very dedicated \V’omen‘s Institute members have devoted u lot of [Irm- and thought to this over the past tun years. Everyone is not going to agrcc 100 per cent with all the idcus but let's give them a fair chance. Let's NOT do what you‘tc ulna» done and see what you get! Joyce Cunning is the wool mimcn‘s co-ordinutor with the Rural Urgnni» nations and Services Branch IROSI. Ontario Ministry ol‘ Agriculture and Food (UMAFL “Key Issues in Canadian Agricul‘ ture" â€" an address by Andy Schmitz Banquet â€" an update on provincial happenings Friday, Nov. 13 panel discussion on ethical issues WSA, study on education of rural women Luncheon speaker. Alberta Agricul» ture Assistant Minister. Shirley Kripps “Visions of Canadian Agriculture" â€" an address by John Wisc Resolu- lions Saturday. Nov. 14 panel address "Forming Agricultural Policy" and “Farm Groups Lobbying Practices" Letter to the editor Keep Mary Stewart Collect as is are. I believe, as vital a part of this prayer now. as at any time in history. The more hectic our pace. and the more chaotic our world becomes, the more we need to rely on the ability to remain calm. serene. gentle. I realize we must be prepared to speak out. and act when necessary to improve society. However, I am con- National Farm Women’s Conference in November National Farm Women‘s thnorl Luncheon speaker. Ontario l‘L‘LlL‘RlllUll of Agriculture Prcsidcnl. Brigid Pylw small group discussions resolutions report on the Study on Women in Agriculture by the Canadian (‘ouncil on the Status of Womcn Banquet # speaker. Dr. Ellcn Mclcun. President of Associutcd (‘ountry- women of the World if you would likc more inlorniution on the confcrencc. or arc intcrcstcd Ill attending, please contact lhc ()ntnrio representative Marin Van llnmmcl tit 519 232-4680. vincctl it is the person who has an inner peace and serenity llrul Func- tions most effectively in all walks of life. We are told it is the muck who shall inherit the earth. Florence E. lircmner Singhampton H & C April. May. June 1987 3