Make those letters count \lthaugh electronic mail I\ a reality In \nmc urtles. the uld»fa.shi0ned letter IN m†u\ unparth as it was a century ext-n li‘llL‘lK are uxcl'ul lor expressing uprnmnx and Iduih to l’rlcndx, rela- uw». puluruans, wllcaguex. profes- ~1unal~. members at nrguni/uuons ~ .muullx anyone! But tr lullcr 1sn'l almpl) strung dmxn and writing. not If you want it w tlL‘xUl'nPllSh «unerhrng \pceiï¬c, For lll‘ltlnLL', ll your gruup |\ \trllmg t0 mm \H’. mmltl mu expat the unter tv ru~l u'rlhhlu \xlmlcwr enmes' into llL'l TIllllLl llllll'.‘ llll'llanlL'\1[ lakextn uruu the letter‘1 Nut likely! llw: rue mute pmmcrx lrnm uriler l\rl'l \LllllL‘xle‘F.\ huul. l’lL‘LlW ht: .nluwtl ll‘ll\ u rm mu m \\l'l[L‘. I \luuxx ll1|llL before leu write. f‘lmrl» |\_lL'Illll_\ the mlucetnc you mni yum urltmg [w ‘ltt‘lllcn: 1 ()mt' mu «(All In \tnlc gel to lllL' 1mrnl «11mm J Inn-l. Inr “up In \Irtlc lhrngx Hum yum reutler's pmnl ml \Icu. ‘ \lrml ul lllL' lune lk' HRlEl‘V. h (llL'.ll|]/L' Hull p-unlx m that tuur n,qu ll.t\ A than tIIILl lrxglt'ul path to ltlllnl“ Hun-n mm wnmnw and www.mle lur unmet, llcw'x ll wuplu wl llPx lnr Ilmse ul' mu ulru llltlld.‘ tllwpluu (ulnrx lur \ isihilil} l Him l, .uhl \ullum : lll.n,l~. nu nmrltu l (llrllll‘k' \VII l‘lllL' 1 (Hull \‘ll \\ll|lL' ‘ lx't‘rl UH \\l'lllL‘ (v lllrul‘ tlll nllltt‘ ‘ lilnc nn “llllL‘ .\ \\l||l:;\vr1 ltluc " Hmnrt' mt ltlut‘lx lll \\ llllL' nn lwl.ltl IL'HL‘I’ Hilt‘ ll mn'rc \1\ll|}..' lulu-Hug on u \l|\|\l.l\ \‘l |\t|\|L'I_ \tm ulll uunl In Mum ||u\\ l‘lg: lllL' lt'IlL'Vx \llULllLl hL“ Ix II .\t I‘m. luh. \l.n, NH" 8. Take care in your choice of words ; prefer those that are simple and concrete 9. Strive to put things positively. 10. Do your best to keep your infor- mation accurate. I]. Make sure the layout of your writing really helps to put your message across. 12, Try to point the wayto the future in your ending. Hcrc‘a a rule of thumb to remember. It the letters are one inch high, they um be seen up to 25 feet away. By Ratio: LETTER HEIGHT I BACK BOW OF AUDIENCE DISTANCE Feet using the ratio, it is easy to dm mm: that letters four inches high .‘.ul be seen up to 100 feet away,