\lnplt- (.rituu Brunt \nuth Districl \ul‘tJ \ Hit \ll-qlk‘l ill thttttutd. tit inning tut elhll\\’tl eminent. \'-lll l"\.'l'l- '.‘lli Hurt: a thlllrllllllt til huh dilLl litttlx‘JlIIIlJ tllllle’\ llttlll tttcrtthcr» ut \lrttalt- f. trim,- hl.ttt\lr llllw spring Thu ‘ ._utt 'tll‘; l'itnttelt hits t 'Ft‘ «with! tlutt [til 5 i 'll‘; lyre} irrrtt~ llll Smith l‘tttttttpnttott. I): itlttl'tlltL'lti lliLl l’t.‘.tu.'. Jun llIL‘ 'lI'Jli; vt‘ tit; “l‘lt .tttt'ilmll \\| mill; \illlHH ll‘t Hit lll'rllll Hill lltc its ( tttJllr , lntntt'r ( ritml ’uuttrl til lllll,rlllttll ‘-'vlt\ lltn.‘ L'liL'\l fttjilnl \tlln tall-cit .IlIIIlll tltc lllilll} rim-in t it . llllLl tl',’\‘_lli[|lll\lll .itttl ullLl “lit nl Iltv lmtrlr, .t rtt « ltutlt till rive 't‘tltit 'lt.tl ttttl'ttttl‘. ll‘xlt'llx \llr.‘ .tltl .ltlilll\ tlttll'l I-.'.t-.lt Llllltlrcll, lrllllt'l llll". licltr Iltctrt tn lutttt llll' \hw t'llx.lllllrl‘.’L"\ \H lHL'llI' .I|[‘['tttll ltl lllllil\‘mtttt-J lilt‘llitJn -\l.n.tt lllL' t.tll\., tltt‘ tow. I titllll‘. lllrltllltdl \mtytj. PM" r-timl mt» it ut lllt' 5‘1 \\| lllllllLliCh litt ttt .t'l'wj. lt'rt to “Hit .'.tllt tux-I lltwl- ~. til ll'kt'l’llllltlll Ill lllL‘ llI.llI'. [tiltit‘t t . llllll.tlt,1l lit. \‘ulIlIIL'll-llt~llllllv' \‘lthhzrun, Humor I'm! Ilislrit'l llttr l‘l.lllt ll lt.‘lt’llll\ \i‘L'HL‘ll lllc llllli “t‘lll'l l|t.ttt Hutu llIL' llllll‘ .lIUUll M .I ttjtttt'wr'tttntlti til the \lll \ttLtt: \xttlt llltllt“-lll|i' .ttttl lllLl‘Nl ‘\.tli‘ ‘sttttrrn (HIIHH f lllltltt'll'v H, il".ll'~ .tllll tn ||l"‘-l‘lllt'tl III ,t \\.t\ ulttr ll Lllll.‘lit'l lllt’llll‘lt lllL' tllllll. Irttt \lll\\\rm- tl\ ult.tt ltl rln ll llll‘x lI.tp['rL't'tlllltr'tt \\ illlll ulllllt‘ \Lll‘llll l‘tl.lltllimw Ill: llllll Int lntttthtt-s l IIi-rr\ \ tllll'\. I'rint‘i- l'dmtrrl District lll IL'Ult'llllltlll nl llIL' tttlt' tl ll.ll.lll‘ll ttt l-n‘tl lll\lttl\‘ ( llI‘l t t. \ .tllt \ l‘l.lllL lt tr'u'tu‘rl .I \PL' vtrrl rl\\rlltl Itnttt l'rlll‘m t illlrlLl-l l.l\l \i‘rll ttrt'wn lltt‘ lllt' ttntttttmttu-tt Int lllL' .|\\.ll|l \.I|llt lttIllI lllt‘ ltlUllsllllt'x ll'L'\L' l llllr'l lilttllh\_ l||\lt||l\.ll tlllrlltll lnl lllL' l'l.tl|t l1, .tttt-t-tt-tl thi- .l\\.llllr “I'llt'l‘ ( l’lllrl' ltixtru‘l [lllLL' .il'illll. llllk rltxtttrl llt‘lil ll\tntt'thtl chill lr|ll lllt‘ l‘itlLt‘L'Lh llttlll ll|l\ .Illllll.ll (\L‘lll .tty LllHtlL‘ll .ttttrtttt'\l |I|.ll|\ \\tt|lll\ «31mm. uttcnl “llhll l\ .I nttr'dM \ultksltup Int ll‘\.|l unttn'tt llctc l\ lltt\\ the test uly Ill ll r\ (7 April, \l.a\. llllk' 1‘).‘\'h (m it'd/HIIHI'I? If 'I held a Tween/5m ut'r Tea in lhefalli Pictured are Vierta Karel (left) and .»trlrterme Noble, Viella is wearing a banner that once belongi- tn her urea/«gran(Into/her while Adrienne is wearing a shawl, made of en hrnrr'lerr'f/ velvet which belonged to her great-greatâ€"grandmorher. lllu trtuttey i\ distributed; Water For ‘\H. 52â€â€œ; Pennies For Friendship. “Allin; Nutrition Fund. $200: Tornado Rein-I. “57ml; youth programs at the Hrutc (minty Museum, $300; ex‘ PL‘ilNL‘N tur |1nglish Wl visilors‘ $500; in L'tlLl'l Ul ll‘tr.‘ l2 branches for com- tttlttttty \mrk, $ltltL Highland Park. Mgumu ('cntre District Women in Crisis, 11 local organizer» Itntt. rut'ctvcx the gills l‘rom a shower lIL'lLl b) iltghlrtttd Park. This branch rtlm mtttrtbutcs its much as possible in the lung rtswciutton and the kidney lutttttizttiun lhurndull‘. Middle-5m East District lll L‘uttittttclinn “ith this decade's ctttpltmts on the ttvuilitbilily ol‘clcan \ldlL'l. lllUlliLlill'C members [00k a tour oi the local pumping station. ‘\llcl\\uld\ one member gave a talk on the urine of water and what Wl members can do to preserve it. .‘mrlh ‘u'urmoulh. I-ngin [Cast District \ quilt culled l-‘iight over Elgin. LlL'NltlllL‘Ll and made by branch mem- hon, mm lirst prize in the simpler chm .Il the tuRS International Plow- IlliJ Mulch and Farm Machinery Slum. A photograph ot'the quilt now brings III the ï¬lming room oi the Elgin ( aunt} l’tonucr Museum. â€"Â¥ Navan, Russell District This branch is sponsoring the Pt- ority Life Program in its communitt A Priority Life sticker (below) ‘ placed on the refrigerator door, illL'l ing emergency personnel to a vial tr tacbed to a shelf inside. The vial cm tains medical information on lamr members, enabling the emergen- team to begin treatment faster h cause they have the details on media. history and drugs being taken, I your branch is interested in this prc gram, contact Priority Life, Ambi- lance Officers Promotion Program ot‘ Ontario Inc, PO. Box 96, Pet. wawa, Ontario. KSH lXO. PRIORITY UR Bishops Mills, Grenville North District A warm welcome to this not branch, organized on July 6. 1935 with 22 charter members.